Saturday 13 January 2024

Saturday, 13-01-24

 Morning, lovely people.  Welcome to Saturday.

After a rushed start, yesterday went fine.  I was glad to get my food shop done and dusted and now, apart from fresh stuff, I think I'm pretty well set up for a couple of weeks, which feels good.

As I said, I pretty much took the rest of the day as down time.  I did a little bit of housework but not much and I think the rest did me good.  I'm not so chesty this morning, nor achey either - althpough that might change after SET class!

I have a couple more day trips paid for now after getting emails from the organisers yesterday.  So that is the trip to Norwich (must do a bit of research) and the trip to London for Battersea Power Station and the Royal Albert Hall both paid for.  Norwich is in March, as is going to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and London is in April plus a Monday to Friday at Center Parcs and a Friday to Monday at Potters, Five Lakes with Lindsey and group so I really do have loads to look forward to.   Definitely ticking the enjoyment box here.

Today starts with an online SET class.  AFter that, goodness knows.  I need to tidy my computer desk which is a right tip so that is top of the list, and I'll probably dust and sweep downstairs at the same time before chilling.  It should be a nice day anyway!

Thinking of all of you under severe weather warnings for extreme cold at the moment.  We grumble about the weather in the UK but we have nothing like that.  Take care and I hope you are able to stay cosy, warm and safe.  xx


  1. We do rather obsess about UK weather without always realising that others have far worse to worry about. All in all, I'd rather live here than more extreme localities. You have a good year to look forward to. Enjoy! x

    1. Me too, for sure. Much nicer!
      I'm looking forward to seeing the trip plans working out. xx

  2. Sounds like you have a busy and fun time ahead

    1. It does, doesn't it? Should be good. xx

  3. Wow-I’m really impressed by the number of trips you have booked-well done! I wonder if you should ask for a visit to your surgery? A friend had to have antibiotics and steroids to cure the lingering breathlessness after a recent heavy cold like virus. Will you try and meet Ang when you are in Norwich?? Catriona

    1. Ang? (sorry, am I being thick here?)
      No, I honestly don't think I need any medical help. I'm feeling increasingly better and I got through SET absolutely fine this morning. It's just a lingering cold. Thank you very much for your concern though - I really appreciate that. xx

    2. Angela from Tracing Rainbows.

  4. How lovely to have those trips booked, so many things to look forward to in the coming months. We moan about it being cold here, but you're right, Joy - other countries have it REALLY cold. E.g. Jackie of Land of the Living Skies blog in Canada said it's -34 there today - I cannot even imagine how that must feel and puts our 'cold weather' in perspective doesn't it? I hope your chestiness continues to improve - it does seem to be lingering. xx

    1. That was in my mind - Jackie and a couple of others who comment who really are getting extreme cold right now. -34 is not something I can imagine. Even the Arctic circle was around -14 to -18 - and that was c-c-c-old

  5. So much fun in your plans for the future. Enjoy.

    God bless.

  6. All of those trips sound wonderful. I've done a couple of bus tours here but they were mostly about shopping. :p

    1. The one I did before Christmas to the Christmas SHow at the NEC was OK - I enjoyed it but shopping trips really aren't my thing. I enjoy looking round shops but not all day. xx

  7. Norwich has a wonderful castle and cathedral both within walking distance of the town centre. I really like the Cathedral. When I would visit Mum we would always go there. We'd pick up a snack or lunch in the town and eat it in the cathedral grounds. The archway by the cathedral has some lovely dragon stonework.
    I like booking trips in winter, gives you something to look forward to!

    1. Thanks, Sharon. I'm so looking forward to it. xx
