Wednesday 17 January 2024

Wednesday, 17-01-24

Good morning, everyone.  Last week, the BBC predicted that we would wake to snow today.  That changed, thank goodness, and today, Like yesterday, should be pretty cold but dry and sunny and altogether a lovely winter's day.

Yesterday, I decided to get my bedroom finished off as much as I want to at this time.  Before I did that, I decided I would strip the bed and sort out the collapsed and empty under-drawer.  So I managed to get the drawer out eventually, fought my way past the dust of ages (almost archeological treasure) and - oh, dear - the whole base is in a really bad way, totally broken in the middle and so battered, there's really no point in trying to repair it.  I'm surprised it's still standing (slight exaggeration warning!)!
To be fair, it is very, very old.  It has seen off several mattresses in its time so I really have got my money's-worth over the years.  So, after a quick trawl around the internet, I'm off into town this morning.
< sigh >

Am I the only person to not think of dusting the inside of a divan base????

After that mega clean and bedroom sort out, I decided to sweep the landing and stairs while I was at it and, surprise, surprise, the week's cleaning housework is almost done.  Just the other two bedrooms and the windows to do - plus all the usual daily things, of course.

So today starts with a bus ride into town to get my new bed base sorted which has driven a coach and horses through the month's budget but that can't be helped.
Once home again, I think I must go into the blue room (guest room) and re-organise my Christmas stuff - bedding, tablecloths, Christmas jumpers, etc.  It shouldn't take too long as it's in fairly good nick anyway but doesn't make best use of the space.  Possibly ditto with my stash of yarn - there's so much less double knitting yarn now although still way too much four ply and chunkier stuff.  I wonder if I could find a four ply pattern for tiny sized little jackets and hats for the baby unit - must do a bit of research there, I think.

Also, there's my personal training session to go to.
A busy day but a very pleasant one too.  I'm looking forward to it all.

Have a great day, everyone.  xx


  1. Bitterly cold here too, but wrapped up warm quite pleasant out yesterday. We took the wheels off our bed to lower it so we can't get the drawers out, do any dust can stay there!

    1. That's a good way to do it - and, most likely, nothing would get under anyway. xx

  2. bitter cold here as well. What a lovely idea knitting for the babies. I swiffer under our bed twice a week, but that's it for me. I did vacuum our fabric headboard this week and was disgusted how much dust it collected up in my dyson. Need to do that more!!

    1. I gather they certainly do need little hats and it should be very easy to find a pattern.
      I do under now and again but inside - never! I live and learn! xx

  3. We changed to a divan bed a few years ago and I’m sure it’s dusty underneath but as I can’t move it, it will stay for now. Hope you were successful in buying a new bed-they are quite an outlay nowadays but a comfortable one is so essential for your back. Catriona

    1. Underneath wasn't so bad. Inside - dreadful! xx

  4. I don't have anything under my bed except cat fur. :) But I don't move it very often and this new bed frame (purchased in November), it is even heavier than the last. I will want to move it this spring so I can paint the bedroom, so my son will be roped in to assist.
    Good luck with your purchase!

    1. One of my must haves is castors to make it easier to move. :-)

  5. Good luck on the bed base hunt.

    1. Thank you. I'm pretty sure I know what I want now. xx

  6. I usually try to sweep the dust bunnies from under our bed once a month. I will admit to sometimes forgetting though. Hope you found your bed base.

    God bless.

    1. LOL - but how about inside? I do under. xx

  7. I have a bed frame with mattress and springs…I clean under my beds several times es a week. I also scoot the sofa out several times a week. Not sure I have seen a divan bed…you are a busy woman. Enjoy brenda

    1. I'll see if I can post a photo from somewhere. xx

  8. I don't know if you know of a site called "Ravelry?" it's free to join and has lots of lovely free and paid for knitting and crochet patterns. I'm sure you'd find some for premmie baby's there. Tricia

    1. Yes, I know ravelry. Thanks for the reminder. xx
