Wednesday 31 January 2024

Wednesday, 31-01-24

Morning, everyone.  The last day of January today and, truly, this month has flashed by for me.  February is, of course, a day longer this year, it being a leap year  It's dry but dull outside and, while I haven't been out yet, I don't think it is that chilly.

Sue made a comment that I seem to have a lot of washing and that got me thinking.
Roughly, every week . . .
one load is bedding
one load is made up of the daily tea towel, wiping cloth, cloths that I clean the loo and bathroom with (I tend to use muslins), hand towels from loo, bathroom and kitchen and my bath towels and flannels, etc- that's a hotter 60C wash
one load of whites done either at 40 or 30C depending on what's in it and how mucky it is - undies, T shirts, etc.  Sometimes the bedding goes in with this load.
one load of darks which includes my exercise wear - leggings and  T shirt.  I exercise five times a week, usually, and, as the idea is to get a bit hot and sweaty, I rarely wear them more than once - that's either a 30 or 40C wash, depending
at this time of year, one load is my knits and socks that I wash on a wool wash cycle with a gentle liquid - in the summer it is less frequent.

So that's four or five loads.  Maybe you're right, Sue, it's just a pattern I have got into though.
Sometimes I do up to three loads in a day and sometimes I spread them out.  It just depends.

Anyway, after that insight into my domestic excitements (!!!) and moving on . . .
Yesterday's Groove was great (when isn't it?) and, although it was drizzling a bit, Chris and I decided to walk.  We're glad we did as by the end of the class it was lightening up and the drizzle had ceased.  It's nice to walk - it's a good warm up before class and an extra cool down while the muscles do whatever it is they have to do afterwards.

I decided to get upstairs done after breakfast so set to and that's the weekly cleaning done now.  Apart from the daily stuff, of course, and a bit more vacuuming downstairs on Friday.  And I remembered to read the gas meter and send off the reading.  I seem to be very nicely in credit still so have no hesitation in turning up the heating a bit if I'm feeling chilly in the evening.

When I checked my mailbox this morning, there was sad news from a friend.  One of her 'children' (same age as my two) passed away last night.  I won't give any more details but, please, spare a thought or a prayer for my friend and the family over the next weeks.  Such a terribly sad time for them.
Thank you.

Today, I have slept in and am just getting going.  There's nothing in the diary until personal training so I'm thinking I might dig out my Karcher thingy and do a bit or window cleaning - when the sun shines through, they are atrocious.

Have a lovely day, everyone.


  1. It is a shock to read of younger people dying - life is fleeting and I feel for your friend. It always seems wrong when children pass away before their parents.

  2. How very sad for your friend, not something we expect and always seem worse when its a young person

  3. Thoughts and prayers for your friends, how very sad for them x
    Alison in Wales x

  4. My sympathies to your friend and her family. As someone else has said, it seems wrong when a child dies before their parents, no matter the age.

    Your comment about dirty windows caught my attention. We moved into this house in November and the windows are truly filthy. It's been too cold to wash them, and will be for awhile yet. But you can bet this is a task that is number one on the list in the spring!

    1. Sadly, they haven't been done today. Maybe tomorrow. They won't go away . . . :-) xx

  5. Holding your friend and her family in my prayers. Such sad news at any time x

  6. Thank you - much appreciated. xx

  7. I will keep your friend in my thoughts and prayers. Losing a child is very hard.
    By the way I do 5 loads of wash as well, spaced out over the week.

    God bless.

    1. :-) Thanks, Jackie.
      You don't expect to go before your children - yes, it must be so hard. xx

  8. Sorry to hear about your friend's child. Devasting.
    That is a lot of washing. I think I do maybe four loads for two of us.

    1. My goodness. Maybe your loads are bigger than mine are.
      Yes, dreadful. xx

  9. So sad for your friend. A long time blogging buddy lost her daughter at Christmas, it was such a shock. I'll be thinking of them all. xx

    Sorry that was a naughty thing to say yesterday wasn't it ... you have my permission as much washing as you want to. :-)

    I was thinking after I made the comment, that at least one of your loads would be exercise gear, something I don't have to wash, so I'm not that far behind you. I tend to do three loads a week. One dark, one light and one bedding. The towels just go in with either the dark or the light depending on their colour.

    1. < chuckle > not at all - but it did get me wondering because who wants to do more work than necessary?
      I think it's wanting to do certain things on a hotter wash that does it as well as the exercise stuff. All my bath towels and most of my hand towels are white so they can easily go in with the tea towels, etc.
      I'm sorry to read about your blogging buddy - such a devastating thing to happen. xx

  10. I'm so sorry for your sad news. Sending lots of love and strength for your friend. X
