Friday 26 January 2024

Friday, 26-01-24

Morning, everyone.  It' been a bit of a blowy night (or early morning) but there's nothing dramatic showing on the weather forecast so that's good.

Yesterday pretty much went as planned.  The coffee and chat was, as always, great and the meeting with the SENDCo went really well in the afternoon.  I now have a report to write, maybe this afternoon as I would like to get it done, dusted and off.  I used to be really good at writing reports - I do find them harder nowadays.

I'm off to Slimming World shortly and then it's more of the same as all week really - homey stuff.  The evening is a bit different though as I'm out for a meal with some SW friends.  I've looked at the online menu but it's a generic, sample menu - and doesn't show the calories which is annoying!  The proper one should but it means faster decisions.  Oh, the hardship!

So that's me for today.  How about you?  xx


  1. Sounds like a very good Friday. today I have a visit to have a massage and facial.I definately need both and have to make sure I don't go to sleep as the massage is sooo relaxing. Val.

  2. Today I have some work on the computer to accomplish and then the day is my own. I'm currently sorting through food cupboards, cleaning and donating foods that i no longer want.

  3. Enjoy your meal out, nice to have the opportunity to chat to SW fr3nds, there sometimes no time in the meeting.

  4. A nice meal out for the end of the week sounds just the ticket. Enjoy! x x x

  5. Hope the governor’s meeting went well and enjoy your meal out with your SW friends. Catriona

  6. Enjoy your meal out. Hope the report got written and dusted.

    God bless.

  7. Yesterday was really sunny here but cold. I shouldn't really complain when we're in the middle of winter though I do. I'm looking forward to warm sunny days but they're a long was off still. How did the the meal out go?
