Monday 29 January 2024

Monday, 29-01-24

Morning, everyone.  It's a much milder start to the day this morning and, although the sky doesn't look that clear right now, it is predicted to be a dry day.  I do hope so as I have a stack of washing and the first load is already in and doing.

Update on the clothes event - £2,285 now raised.  Lindsey and Debs must be so very pleased. (Debs is Lindsey's friend whose baby was born too early in the Blossom Suite and who has inspired this fund raising do).
How amazing is that!!

It was lovely to have Beth and Alex around.  We enjoyed out roast beef dinner and I succeeded in my Yorkshires (they don't always come out great).

Here you go - little bundles of joy!!
(Beth and Al took the leftover ones home with them!)

Today, as already mentioned, is washing day.  Monday used to traditionally be washing day, didn't it, when washing was a whole day task involving cumbersome machinery and plenty of scrubbing and rubbing while the whole laundry experience lasted pretty much all week and had to be finished by Sunday, the 'day of rest'.
And then it started all over again the next day . . .

Even with comparatively modern equipment, I remember it took Mum all day to get the washing done and dried.  I used to help by carrying the washing basket and pegs for her and, when I was taller, getting the washing out and back in again.   If it was wet, washing would be draped all over the house and  I still remember the mad rush to 'get the clothes in' when it started raining because, with no central heating and just an open fire, getting clothes dry was a bit of a nightmare at times so one couldn't just leave it out on the line when the rain started.
I bet Mum rejoiced when twin tubs came in and even more when she got her first automatic,l not to mention the day central heating was installed.

We always had Sunday leftovers for dinner on Mondays and baked beans on toast featured quite strongly too.  Quick and easy.

I am SO glad I live nowadays.  

I tend to share the load by doing a wash when I have enough whites or coloureds or when I need something but I do have a fair pile today and, assuming it is fine, I can get it out on the line - some of it, anyway.
So, today is wash day.

It is also clean downstairs day.  Doing my own housework (oh, the hardship!!!!!) is working out fine and on Thursday the money I will save through February will disappear from my account into savings - that makes me happy!
There may come a time when I need to resume getting help in - aging, illness, who knows? - but, for now, it's all good.

How do you organise your washing?  xx


  1. Like you Joy I just wash when I get a enough of a load.I have solar panels so when my app (how up tp date is that !) tells me I have enough power to wash it free I do** Then I tumble dry it as well. I has saved me a lot of money over the 11 years I have had it. No sunshine yet in Suffolk so I'll go to the library and charity shop instead. Happy Monday. Val

    1. That sounds great. It's still very dull here too but fingers crossed. I can't get the first load out until after circuits anyway. xx

  2. Housework is good exercise, too, and if you can do it speedily, so much the better! x x x

  3. Every day is a wash day in this house :) I can't wait until I'm able to peg it out on the line again. Xx

    1. It feels great, doesn't it, pegging that washing out in the fresh air. xx

  4. I have memories of wash day too as a child. Monday was the day and the old wringer washer and tin tubs for rinsing were set up in the porch. We didn't have running water until I was about 16 or 17, so there was also the hassle of bringing water up from the nearby slough or melting snow in a big water tank. That was Dad's job. Mom did the washing and after school there was always a pile of laundry to be ironed. That was one of my jobs as I got older.
    It is so much easier these days, I toss a load into the machine and wait for the tone to let me know it's ready for the dryer. I don't think, beyond tablecloths, that I've ironed anything in many years. If something is wrinkled it gets tossed in the dryer with a damp towel for a quick tumble.
    My son and I do our own laundry, so I usually do mine on a Friday so the machines are available to him on the weekend.

    1. Running water wasn't an issue, thank goodness. I don't tumble dry much, it's dreadfully hard on electricity consumption and, in fact, I quite like a bit of ironing. I know that sounds daft but I do. xx

  5. I remember having to go from an automatic back to a twin tub sometime in the past when the former packed up and someone gave me the latter and the number of times I forgot about the water going in and it over flowing. Saved up PDQ for a second hand automatic again!

    1. Oh, yes, I remember those floods too. When I was first married we had a twin tub and counted ourselves very fortunate indeed. I have to say, when the children came along, it boiled up the nappies beautifully. xx

  6. Now that we are retired, washday is any day once an appropriate load of clothes is gathered. Yesterday it was bedding which went straight into the dryer and back onto the bed! Catriona

    1. Very nice too. I love clean, fresh bedding. xx

  7. Your Yorkshire puddings look awesome. Good for you.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. I was really pleased with them this time. They don't always work out so well, hence the photo. :-) xx

  8. I do a light/white wash, a dark wash and a coloured wash. Although I have a few red items that I do separately. I don't want a dreaded pink rinse :-)
    I don't wash every day though, just when I have enough items.
    I'm looking forward to dry days so that I can get more washing out on the line to dry.

    1. Yes, me too, definitely. They have a wonderful freshness afterwards. xx

  9. Well done on the money raised! They have a right to be well pleased. All the hard work played off. The puds look great. Yummy!

    1. All in all, a very successful event and Lindsey was so happy about it. xx
