Sunday 23 October 2022


 Morning, one and all, and welcome to Sunday - a rather damp and soggy Sunday it is too with a forecast to match.  I'm very glad I don't have to be out and about today, that is for sure!

After a very restful day yesterday, things continue to pick up.  As today is another chilling day, that should continue.  I slept like a log last night; if there was any coughing, it wasn't enough to disturb.

I'm making great progress with the C2C blanket.  Whoever said it would eat up my stash isn't wrong - I'm delighted that the DK shelf now has a few gaps appearing.  There's a way to go, sure, but gaps are good and the totally random nature of the thing means there's no stressing about amounts whatsoever.  It's not pretty, just diagonal stripes, but I rather like it as a rustic thing. 
It's giving my hands plenty to do, for sure.  It's not quite wide enough to stop increasing on one side yet (in other words, the width needed for my bed) but I think it will get there at some point today.  I've decided on a border too which is also very easy and seems to fit exactly with no puckering or pulling out of shape - not that I am anywhere near that yet.

As I said, today is another quiet day, not from design but just because it is.  I should be ready to get going again tomorrow, thank goodness.

Have a lovely Sunday, everyone, and, Cherie and anyone else with this bug, I hope you are feeling better and better as the days pass.  Take care and stay dry!  xx


  1. We had a spectacular thunderstorm - lots of really bright lightning and crashingly loud thunder - around 4.00 this morning, and then a bit more just after 6.00. Now it's sunny and I'm debating whether to put my washing out! (showers are forecast). I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your C2C blanket. Hope you continue to feel better, Joy xx

    1. Wow - I love a good old thunderstorm. We have a weather warning for tonight for storms but we don't get all that many really. Personally, I'd use a rack that I could set up outside but lift in easily if the rain starts! xx

  2. It's good you are feeling better.
    Alison in Wales x

  3. I'm glad you are feeling better. Resting up is so helpful. It's cloudy in my part of the world with no rain forecasted. Continue to have a good day.

    1. I did, thanks, Debbie. Hoping you did too. xx

  4. I'm glad you're starting to feel better but do take it easy and continue to rest as much as you can. It's a nasty virus and people I know who have had it say that the fatigue lingers.

    We had the storm in the early hours although only a couple of claps of thunder ... the noise from the rain though. It hasn't poured like that for months. xx

    1. I think you're right. While definitely feeling much better, I'm still chesty and a bit achey and not really 100% but life has to pick up again at some point, doesn't it? We may have had storms, we've certainly had rain overnight but I don't hear storms once the old aids are out! xx

  5. Looking forward to seeing the blanket and well done on stash busting! Catriona

    1. I needed to do something with the stash - some of the yarn goes back decades. :-) xx

  6. I am glad you are taking another day to rest and recover. Hope you post a picture of your C2C blanket once done.

    God bless.

    1. I will - I've taken a few but they don't tell the whole story, of course. xx

  7. It was wet enough here to stay home and hunker down, but thankfully we didn't suffer any thunderstorms or flooding. X.

    1. That's good. I don't know about you but round here we really do need plenty of rain to make up for such a very dry summer. xx
