Friday 21 October 2022


 Morning, everyone.  It's a damp and misty old morning after a day where the heavens kept on opening and it rained very hard indeed.  The garden is a mess but I spied a few things that cheered me up.

The tomato plans are all brown and dying but the fruits are still ripening - this is one of several due for the salad plate this lunchtime.
At this time of year, webs can be really beautiful, and first thing is the best time to see them.   They are beautiful when frosted too, aren't they.
The fuchsias are getting tatty but are still smothered with flowers.  Loving the pop of colour amidst the general brown-ness.

MUST devote a couple of hours to the garden next week.

I did what I said yesterday which is pretty much nothing.  I had a short chat with Chris and then fell asleep for a while.  And really, that was about it.

I am feeling more with it this morning but am sticking to my plan of another day of rest.  So no Slimming World today which is a shame but there you go.  I had a message from Gabriela asking if the cleaners could please come much earlier, at 9:45 and that suits me very well indeed as it means I have the rest of the day to myself.

And that's that for today.  Cherie, I do hope you start feeling better soon - you're right, it is really miserable.
Take care everyone, and have a good day.  xx


  1. Mornin' Joy. I think another day of rest is a wise choice. I've taken Zippy out first thing this morning but that's me done for the day and I'll be joining you on the sofa today. far better to rest up for a couple of days than overdo it and take longer to recover. I think I might start a bit of knitting.

    1. I agree. I think that's what I did earlier in the week - pushed it too far.
      I've been getting on with my knitting and crochet - that way I feel I am doing something at least. xx

  2. This cold bug seems a horrible thing, I hope you get back to full strength soon. xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze. It certainly has been a stonker. xx

  3. Lots of this ghastly cold going the rounds. You are right to stay in and rest. I couldn’t help thinking that it was ridiculous Will Mellor was allowed to take part in Strictly last week when he was full of the cold and spreading it everywhere. It may not be Covid but potentially harmful nonetheless. Enjoy your rest day in you lovely clean house. Catriona

    1. I gather loads of the professionals were feeling pretty rotten through the week too. I agree, he should have taken the week off. There's an awful lot of germs around at the moment. xx

  4. Another day of rest sounds just the ticket, you'll get better so much faster if you listen to your body. The spiders' webs are prolific at the moment aren't they, I feel so guilty if I have to fight my way through them to get to the shed, all that work destroyed in an instant. They must hate me!!

    1. They really are everywhere. I'm waiting for the first frost to show them in their completeness - works of art! xx

  5. What a gorgeous picture of the web. So intricate.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. Nature is so very detailed. xx
