Monday, 17 January 2022


Good morning, everyone.  I'm back properly after a lovely weekend.  This morning, unlike yesterday morning, is clear, dry and frosty and looks lovely in the light from the street lamp.

We went to two places.
On Saturday, as I said, we drove out to Greensted Church which is a lovely small wooden based church, the oldest surviving wooden church in Europe at least.  Their bumph actually says in the world.  We spent a while wandering round the outside, getting thoroughly chilled, and than we went in to look around.  It was a bit warmer inside but still quite cold and, because the day was very dull and misty, it was rather hard to read all the stone tablets, etc.  The last few times I have visited, the sun was streaming in through the stained glass and it made such a difference to the lighting.
We had a chat to a very pleasant gentleman who goes around taking photos of these old churches in hopes of increasing interest in them.  He was very concerned that many of these wonderful old building might be lost to future generations in a short time and was really interesting.

Yesterday, we changed our minds as the day started out misty and damp again and, instead of Hyde Hall, we went to Cressing Temple Barns.  I love it there.
Of course, while we were driving over, out came the sun and the rest of the day was glorious!!
After lunch at the Tiptree Tea Room (tomato and red pepper soup - yum!), we just wandered about, dipping into all the old buildings, reading the information and chatting nineteen to the dozen.

It was been such a lovely weekend.  We've decided that it would be nice to have a few holidays together in the UK so I'll be doing some research over the next few week.  We're both retired so we can go whenever it suits us.

Back to normal life again - well, when Suzanne leaves this morning it will be - so I have circuit training midday and then tuition after school.  I haven't prepped anything yet but there's things left from last week that we can work on so I'm not so concerned really.

I didn't take my camera with me on either day so no photos but both places have sites.

Have a great day, everyone.  It's pretty cold so stay warm and cosy and be safe.  xx


  1. What a lovely weekend, and I'm sure you'll enjoy planning many more of the same in future.
    Cold and frosty here but as I am walking to work this morning, I don't need to defrost my car :) X

    1. :-) I don't like scraping the car either. xx

  2. Replies
    1. It was so good! I had a great time. xx

  3. I love old churches and fear the youth of today will miss out one day!

    1. There's such a lot of our collective past tied up in those lovely old buildings - a past that it would be so easy to forget but which makes us what we are now.

  4. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend and the plan to holiday together will be something to look forward to.

    I love old churches (it's on my list of 'adventures' this year). It's good to hear that the gentleman you met is taking positive action to try to increase interest in them. Did he mention whether he publishes his photos anywhere? xx

    1. He might have done but, what with masks and so on, I didn't pick up everything.

  5. Sounds like a lovely weekend. I hope the old places aren't lost. The churches are really beautiful.

    Being retired opens you to all sorts of options, especially during the school year when there aren't so many people around. I can't wait until husband retires so I can drag him around places lol. Usually things are so busy at the weekends!

    1. Know exactly what you mean. Weekends were not rest times, they were times to do all the stuff I couldn't do during the week. Now they are times to chill. It's lovely.

  6. It sounds like you had a great time, and what a good idea to start to plan a few other weekends away together. We all need something to look forward too.

    1. We do and it is so lovely that, in our retirement, Suzanne and I get on as well as we did when we were both at College of Education as training teachers - maybe even better.

  7. Sounds like a really nice weekend. :)

  8. What a lovely way to spend the weekend. I agree with both of you retired getting together for weekend holidays would be wonderful.

    God bless.

    1. Or even week long ones. Isn't it nice to have things to look forward to!

  9. Sounds like you enjoyed a lovely weekend, Joy. We had a big snowstorm and are looking at about 7 inches in our yard. Luckily, the main roads are getting cleared. I have enjoyed being snowbound for a couple of days.

    1. It must have looked very lovely before people started clearing. Maybe there will be more to come?
