Sunday 28 April 2019


Good morning, everyone.
Thankfully, the weather seems to have moderated somewhat.  Yesterday was very windy although, as almost always, we didn't get the worst of it round here.  There's still a breeze but nothing too out of the ordinary - yet, anyway.

It was a very ordinary day apart from that wind.  I went to Sainsbury's for a few things I can't get in Morrisons and came back with a new top.  Ooops!
The rest of the day was spent in knitting, loads of ironing, watching telly and knitting and falling asleep.  I guess I was quite weary after Friday's trip and I woke very, very early on Saturday morning.

Those tulips are still going strong.  A couple have started drooping but the others are still upright and looking pretty.  Amazing!

I've started using the new camera.  As it's the same make as the old one, quite a lot of things are in the same place/give the same message, so there's a familiarity about using it which is good, but it seems to do a lot more and I need to start 'exploring' some of the less automatic features.  It came with a CD with 'operating instructions for advanced features' so that will be a good place to start, I think.  I just wish the language wasn't quite so technical.

Today is a diary-empty day but there's more ironing from the washing I did yesterday, there's a kitchen to tidy and clean and that everlasting decluttering to carry on with.  Plus, of course, planning for tuition this coming week.  It should keep me out of trouble!

Have a great day and, if the wind has been bad your way, I hope all is well for you.


  1. Glad the tulip tit worked. If you cut the droopy ones at the bottom of their stalks and make a new hole at the top of the stem they may perk up again but I’m not promising anything!
    My mum passed that tip on to me.
    Hope your new camera works well for you. The auto settings are so clever now that I’m lazy and hardly ever use anything else.

    1. I never thought of doing it again, thanks. Worth a try anyway so I have cut off quite a lot of stem, made a new hole and popped them in a little vase to see.
      I'm happy with the camera - the auto settings are good and yes, they do make me lazy too but I think maybe it's time I explored a bit further. :-)

  2. Gorgeous tulips! Ours aren't out yet although I could buy some at the flower shop - they had lots. Keep experimenting with the camera, as they say" a picture is worth a thousand words" - or something like that.

    1. These were from the shop - Aldi, in fact. THey are beautiful and I love the effect of the different colours together.
      I've just done a bit of snapping of my meals with it and am pleased with the auto settings anyway! The photos seem to come out a bit sharper than old camera.

  3. A few of my tulips have bloomed, but I can't bring them in the house. That cat's don't eat them, but love to play with any cut flowers I bring in. I had a few vases broken before I wised up!

    1. That's cats for you, isn't it? SOme flowers, of course, are poison to cats anyway (Beth tells me).
      I bet your tulips look wonderful just where they are.

  4. That is a lovely photo - what make is your new camera?
    Hope you had a good day for some reason your posts are very delayed coming into my Wordpress reader - so I missed this post (as it is Monday now).
