Saturday 18 November 2017


Good morning, everyone. It's turned jolly cold at the moment, hasn't it? No frost today as far as I can tell, but brrrrrrrrrrr, all the same.

Here are the happies I posted on fb yesterday.
In no particular order.
1. I continue to feel well and have only had occasional slight twinges, nothing to fuss over.
2. I got round to having my flu jab - the first one! I'd better not get flu now!
3. It's been fun hunting for fat free recipes. I've found some goodies.
4. I got an appointment with my GP quickly. :-)
5. Blood tests to check liver and kidney function came back - and there's no problems.
6. Life is getting back to normal again. I do like routine!
7. It was lovely to see some dear friends last Saturday and have a chat.
8. An empty ironing basket!
9. It's a gorgeously sunny day today.
10. Now Beth is working, I don't see much of her any more :-( , so it was great that she came over last Sunday afternoon and we had a really good chat.
. . . and two for luck
11. The Christmas turkey has been ordered.
12. Lovely flowers from friends. Thank you so much.

Re number 11, Kelly's of Danbury must be feeling the pinch like everyone else.  For the first times since I have been using then, they are charging for delivery (it's free if you pick it up from the gate).  I did um and aha and ponder but decided to treat myself so paid the fairly substantial amount they asked for delivery.  Maybe during the coming year I will pin down exactly where the farm is and do a collect next time.  It can't be all that far away but I've never seen signposts to it while driving around here.
Having ordered it feels nice though - the start of the Christmas routines!

Time for coffee.   Have a great day, everyone.


  1. This might make you laugh but near my sister, in Italy, there is a huge turkey farm who export to Norfolk. So I think there will be a fair few turkeys with Italian accents on Christmas tables this year.

  2. NO!!!!! You're right, that has made me laugh. I thought Norfolk had enough of its own! lol
    J x
