Sunday 30 July 2023

Sunday, 30-07-23

Good morning, everyone.  It's not exactly a sunny Sunday but it isn't bad and I reckon the sun isn't too far away - for a while anyway.  Rain is expected later on - which should save me needing to water.  

This weekend is very quiet.  I didn't do anything much out of the way yesterday and I won't today either.  In fact, the only remotely 'exciting' thing is a drive to the GP surgery to drop off the BP readings because I am not sure I have the right email address - these things change, don't they?  Mind you, it hasn't bounced back - yet - so fingers crossed.

Those who read my other blog will know I'm basing my meals for the week on recipes from the collection of Pinch of Nom books.  This is involving me in a bit more kitchen time than I usually need but I enjoy cooking at my simple level so it is no penance and I'm really enjoying what I've made so far.

And that's it really so I will love you and leave you with my hopes that, whatever is on the list for today, you have a wonderful time and enjoy pretty much every moment.


  1. I hope 'they' will be pleased with your BP readings and you don't have to continue. I know it's not difficult, but it's a bit of a faff, isn't it? Enjoy you quiet Sunday. x x

    1. It's remembering not to have that coffee, that apple, etc . . . I found that a nuisance really. Yes, not difficult at all, just a faff. xx

  2. Hope the BP results are satisfactory and you don’t need to keep faffing! Catriona

    1. Me too. I appreciate that they are out to keep me well and healthy but fingers crossed I'm well and healthy enough right now. I feel it, for sure. :-) xx

  3. Ginger asked to be let out of mine at 5.45 am this morning, and literally just as he exited the heavens opened. I have never seen a cat go through a cat flap so fast before as he shot into Alan's kitchen. We are going out for breakfast in an hour or so, so that is a very good start to the day.

    1. Aaawww - poor Ginger.
      Hoping it cleared up for you quickly. xx

  4. We have it wet and dull here in west Wales but a nice plateful of roast dinner is keeping the blues away :-) x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. There are no woes a good roast dinner won't heal!
      It started here about half an hour ago but I'm snug and warm inside which is nice.

  5. Fingers crossed for your blood pressure readings. When will you find out?
    I'm having a fairly relaxed weekend here - the damp weather helps with that :) But I'm thinking of making some bread buns later, so I will need to pop out to the shop. X

    1. That sounds lovely. I like how bread makes the whole house smell wonderful. xx

  6. Keeping my fingers crossed with those BP readings.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. What will be, will be, as we say. xx

  7. Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend. Hope it was good.

    1. It was lovely, thank you. Very pleasant. xx
