Tuesday 4 July 2023

Tuesday, 04-07-23

 Morning, everyone!  We have a bit of rain this morning and it is cool and cloudy.

This is the sungold, the only one I have.  Look at that truss - so many babies there.  Yummy!!

Annoyingly, another of the plants, the super expensive, ultra blight resistant, grafted tomato is showing signs of blossom end rot.  Grrrrr.
Over watering, maybe.  No idea but I will ease off and see.  I may have over watered because the top leaves show a tendency to droop and I've put it down to dehydration.  Maybe that was wrong.

I got Julia's two plants repotted and they are looking nice and comfortable at the moment.  They're not as big as the others but I am sure they will catch up and, if they don't, maybe they will keep fruiting when the others are slowing down.
We will see.

Yesterday turned out well.  Chris and I enjoyed circuits and, after lunch, I picked Alex up to get some of Beth's meds from the chemist and I took the opportunity to pop into the surgery and make an appointment with the nurse for a 'review of my medical condition' - in other words checking my blood pressure!  I've been meaning to do that for ages.

This morning is busy.  It's Groove first and then I have to whizz home, get changed and go into school for that governor's monitoring visit.  At least, I think it is, although I haven't received confirmation so I may just come straight home again.

I'm getting a bit bored with knitting so I found a pattern for a tote bag using granny squares so I'm giving that a go.  I'm just using the bog standard square but, if it works, there are nicer, prettier squares I could use.  We will see.
(I also suspect the yarn isn't right but, again, let's see)

Better go - I have things to do and need to get ready.  Have a lovely day, everyone.  xx


  1. You will be on trend with your granny square tote bag as The Sewing Bee seems to have created an avalanche of granny square items! Let me know if you need any fabris for lining and I will be happy to dispatch some to you. Catriona

    1. You know, I hadn't got as far as thinking about lining it. That is a very kind offer, thank you7. xx

  2. You could create your own cottage industry, knitting tote bags. x x

  3. The tote bag sounds a great idea. Although I can crochet for some reason I'm not keen on making granny squares, probably the sewing up - always seems fiddly to me! This morning I made gooseberry jam and some rhubarb chilli jam - what I'll do to get out of the housework:-)
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I sew in the ends as I go so it never gets too bad.
      I LOVE gooseberry jam - how absolutely delicious. Are they from your garden? xx

    2. Yes they are, quite tasty though I say so myself!
      Alison x

    3. I bet they are gorgeous. How lovely! xx

  4. Granny square items seem to be everywhere at the moment, blankets, bags, clothes etc ... you are right on trend. :-)

    1. So it seems. I blame Sewing Bee.They are lovely though, aren't they! xx
