Saturday 22 July 2023

Saturday, 22-07-23

 Good morning, everyone.  It's dull and cool but no rain and I gather we might miss the worst of the predicted downpour this weekend - which is a bit of a shame because we really need some rain.
Thank you for your kind words about my weight loss, etc.  They made me feel very happy.

The courgettes are now in and looking very happy (tasting good too) and the cucumbers are coming on.  That's all I have this year apart from the herbs, etc.

It was a pleasant day yesterday.  SW group was, as always, great fun.  A number of regulars were not there this week and it will be thus through the summer.  Despite this, nearly fifty came to be weighed and a good twenty or so stayed for the second part - you don't HAVE to stay but a lot do.  In a way, the second half, when well led, is more important than the first half with news, updates and lots of group support.  And we had a target - that's always such a celebratory time.

The blood pressure monitor arrived and I checked it out.  Easy peasy and it showed a perfectly normal reading for my age so that was good.  I'll start the regular readings today.

It's a bit strict.
You shouldn't use it within half an hour of exercising, eating, smoking (not that I have that problem), or coffee/tea/caffeinated drinks or when you need the loo (Mind you - who would prioritise BP reading over the loo?  Not me!)
Always use the same arm.
Wear loose fitting clothes.
Rest for five minutes before taking the reading (any excuse, eh?)
Be relaxed and comfortable
Have your arm supported and at heart height, keep relaxed, feet flat on the floor.
And if sorting all that doesn't raise your BP, go ahead and take a reading!

I can see I will have to time things very carefully this week.

I have SET online in about quarter of an hour so I'd better finish this off and get ready.  Lindsey is back from holiday and the summer programme starts today.  
The school summer holidays have started round here and I still feel that surge of excitement, relief and freedom that use to come the moment the last child left the classroom for the last time.
It's such a lovely feeling!
Have a good day, everyone, and stay safe.  xx


  1. Please come and collect some of our rain. It's tipping down as I type. Those 🍅 look lovely. Nothing tastes like fresh picked and home grown.

    1. Wish I could. It's very dull here and quite chilly for July, but no rain - yet.
      I'm being very disciplined and not picking them until; they are proper ripe but it is hard! :-)

  2. Good luck with the BP monitor but it’s easy,if a nuisance, once you get into the swing of it. Enjoy your exercise class-I always feel netter after mine no matter how I feel before. Catriona

    1. It was great, thanks. Lindsey does a good workout.

      It has to be done and, if I am completely honest, I ought to be more reliable at checking it on a regular basis anyway, I really ought. xx

  3. Having your arm 'at heart height' seems rather dictatorial. That's not even done by the professionals! Have a good day. x x x

    1. Yes, I agree. I just put a cushion on the arm of my chair and that will have to do. One down, quite a lot to go. :-)

  4. Oh goodness that list is enough to bring on a headache isn't it? Needs must I suppose......
    We have heavy rain all day, at least I've got a break from watering and the pond is filling up.
    You'll enjoy those lovely tomatoes any day now, I must admit to picking some of ours just a smidge early as they continue ripening in a bowl on our kitchen window, but only if they twist off easily.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yup, needs must. I've done the first day's readings, two am and two pm at 5 min intervals and the readings are wildly variable. They will ignore the first day's reading so I'm not fussed, but it was interesting.
      I've succumbed and brought out the tomatoes on the window ledge bowl! They ripen very nicely indoors - probably better than outside right at the moment as it is absolutely chucking it down at the moment. xx

  5. Reading that your school holidays have just begun is very different from our local schools, some of which just began the fall term! LOL

    U.S. schools are locally based and schedules vary by city and school district. Valley of the Sun, Arizona (greater Phoenix area in Maricopa County) has a lot of school districts. Most of the schools end their year just before Memorial Day (observed last Monday in May), with 'year-round' schools off for about six weeks or so until early to mid July. Most of the other schools resume the last week of July through about the third week of August. That's just the public schools--add in the parochial/private schools and it's even crazier!

    Glad you're figuring out your blood pressure monitoring! Not sure I would survive it. Just joking, although I'm awful at anything remotely medical!


    1. Hi, Taja!
      Very different, for sure. Scotland is different from England too - they've been on holiday for a few weeks, I believe, and will be back at school mid-August (I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong here).
      I guess we all have out own normal.
      LOL re BP - it's not that bad really, some of it is just common sense and the guidelines are to just avoid things that raise the blood pressure temporarily. I really don't want to take any more meds unless I really have to so fingers crossed. xx

  6. Going by those rules, very few readings would be accurate when taken at the doctors surgery :) It's great that your reading was normal. Xx

    1. Well, precisely. Quite apart from the rules, the so-called 'white coat syndrome' is a genuine thing and I know most doctors recognise this nowadays.
      Yesterday was upsy down but I am sure that will settle as I get the routine going.xx

  7. I’ve also heard that you shouldn’t talk when taking your blood pressure too.

    1. Yes, that's not on the list but, indeed. Totally relaxed (hah!!) and silent, no movement. Harder than it sounds.

  8. I check mine monthly and then annually send the readings to the surgery. Having retired I have found mine is more normal - funny that isn't it!!
    Suze x

    1. Loving that last bit. I wonder why that might be (tongue in cheek here).

  9. Dry as ever here, we will be watering once again tomorrow. I have to remind Harvey not to move or talk when taking his blood pressure.

    God bless.

    1. We've had a downpour here starting yesterday (Sat) afternoon. It's not actually raining now but the skies are heavy-looking. xx

  10. I suppose all those instructions are to make sure your blood pressure is at what is normal for you and not elevated due to any reason. I'm sure it will all work out well.

    1. Yes, that's the idea, I am sure. It's only for a week anyway! xx
