Friday 21 July 2023

Friday, 21-07-23

 Morning, everyone.  It's not that warm outside but the sun is shining.  Lovely!

The 'dead' bay.  Lovely, isn't it?

In other news, I'm picking courgettes and tomatoes (just a few but there's lots of colour showing now) and I reckon a week to cucumber picking.

And I have one tiny little cluster of blueberries too.

The 'review of medical condition' yesterday had mixed results.  The nurse was absolutely lovely and things have changed a lot.  Last time I had a f2f review, I was about six stone heavier than I am now, for a start, and if today's weigh is accurate, I'm looking forward to the SW weigh in tomorrow.
She took an armful of blood for various standard tests - cholesterol, liver, kidney, etc.  That's new - before, I have always had to go somewhere else, make an appointment, etc.

Unfortunately, the blood pressure is still higher than it should be but, three cheers, they no longer do these twenty four hour hooked up to a monitor, check every half hour things, much to my relief.  Oh, no, she said, they were not popular and they didn't really work anyway!  I could have told them that first bit.  :-)  Anyway, I've got to do a seven day am and pm check and send her the results.  I have a machine somewhere but I can't find it (I've tidied is up somewhere) so I have ordered another one from Amazon that should be here today or tomorrow.
Just as long as I don't have to do a twenty four hour thing, I'm happy!

After that, I had breakfast and then did my fortnightly shop.  I think I'm pretty well set up now.  It might possibly be the last time I buy cucumber or tomatoes for a while.  Exciting thought.

The evening do was lovely.  So many old friends there.  It was so nice to catch up with people although there were an awful lot of new faces too, who have joined the school after I retired.  It was a bit emotional one way and another..

Today starts with Slimming World and then the day is my own so I might go to Hylands and have a nice walk around there, depending on what the weather does or I might tackle the garden with a dustpan and brush to get the leaves up.  Or I might do both or neither.  We will see.

Nice and gentle.


  1. Am I right in thinking that the week long monitoring of your blood pressure will give a more accurate result? A couple of months ago I was asked to send a reading to my local surgery, as they didn't have any record of one from the last five years. I don't have my own machine either, but fortunately I was able to get the reading completed by the pharmacist and the results were okay.
    I'm glad you enjoyed your evening. X

    1. Yes, it should do.
      Just waiting for it to arrive, then a few days getting used to it and the week starts! :-)
      I'm lad your results were OK. xx

  2. Good luck with the BP monitoring, it'll be interesting to see whether your higher reading at the surgery was due to 'white coat' syndrome. Annabeth x

    1. I think that certainly was a factor. How much remains to be seen. I guess they will up my meds if necessary. xx

  3. You have done amazingly well with your weight loss - congratulations. My daughter told me yesterday that I looked thin. I laughed like a drain - I think she needs to get her eyes tested! x x x

    1. Aw - good for her, that's what I say! xx

  4. Just snatching moments to catch up between playing Paw Patrol and Lego! Glad your review went well - I did one of those weekly blood pressure sheets recently - not sure my old machine is still calibrated though and should really get a new one. With life as it is these days for most people in the fast lane I am sure more and more people must have higher than normal blood pressure. xx

    1. Fast lane life and also a diet much higher in ultra processed foods. None of it helps, that is for sure.
      Maybe I needed to get another one too - mine (wherever it is hiding) is quite old.
      Enjoy the games!

  5. It's lovely knowing the homegrown will replace supermarket produce for a while isn't it?
    You've done so well with your weight loss, hope your BP behaves itself x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's the highlight of my year, to be honest. I just love picking those tomatoes and eating them straight off. So delicious. xx

  6. As I have only met today's 'Joy' I find it hard to visualise the one of yesteryear! You look amazing - your hard work has done you proud. Your mention of health reminded me that I had a text about booking my flu jab!
    Have sent you an email - hope it plays ball as it didn't my end!
    Suze x

    1. Flu jab already . . . oh, my goodness. I suppose I'll get mine at some point too.
      And thank you. xx

  7. Those 24hour BP monitors with waking up all through the night were enough to get anyone's BP raised I reckon!

    1. A flippin' nightmare. I had to wear one while teaching so every half hour I had to stop whatever I was doing, sit down and try to relax. Not easy with thirty five and six year olds. They were very, very good about it, but the results can't have been that reliable and having to stop teaching so often was not good at all.

  8. At one time I had to do the same morning and evening blood pressure counts for a week. Not too bad really.

    Way to go on the weight loss.

    God bless.

    1. No, not so bad. Infinitely preferable to the twenty four hour thingy, for sure! :-)

  9. Blimmin well done on that weight loss Joy. It's not an easy thing to do but you are an inspiration.

    1. It started off 'easy' because of the gall bladder stuff but became more of a challenge. Right now, I am happy to get back to my personal 'target' slowly and steadily. Slow and steady and focus on making the journey the best it can be.
      Thanks, Cherie. xx
