Saturday 29 July 2023

Saturday, 29-07-23

Morning, one and all.  It is Saturday, the start of the weekend and, if you have employment, I hope you are able to enjoy a couple of days off - and if you teach, forget about the classroom and the books and the mess in the cupboards and the long term planning, assessment preparation, record sheets, reading through the new class' profiles, etc, etc, etc, and just chill!
After all, it is the weekend!

As always, Slimming World was a goodie, although my results were disappointing - I wasn't the only one though.  Maybe the scales were taking a holiday too.  :-)
It's never a problem nowadays and I have some lovely meals planned for this week so that's good.

For much of the rest of the day I felt really tired (I had woken up stupidly early) and, in fact, had a couple of shut-eyes through the day.  I pottered, did housework, a bit of weeding, etc, etc, etc., and went to bed very early after falling asleep in my chair.  It was worth it; things seem a lot brighter this morning.  :-)

Today starts, as always, with an online SET class at 8:30 and the diary is empty.  I have to send off a scan of the BP results for 'Nurse Karen' (that's what it says on the sheet and, fingers crossed, it won't show any causes for concern) and I need to get on with more weeding and dead heading.   Nothing too onerous.

I've now cut the first cucumber and, obviously, had a taste.  Very nice without a hint of bitterness.  I was happy to take a couple of courgettes for the Slimmer of the Week hamper yesterday and there's a couple more on the say including the first from Little Runt.  I've also picked a few tomatoes and they are so delicious!

Cherie - I have just watched your tour of your lovely garden on YouTube and it is absolutely fantastic.  

Well, better go, there's only an hour until my SET class.  Have a lovely Saturday, everyone.  See you tomorrow.  xx


  1. Produce fresh from the garden - delicious.

    1. Can't beat it, can you. No better flavour! xx

  2. Morning Joy, my tomatoes are nowhere near ready yet. Think they set off well in the warmth of June but it’s disappointingly cool and grey right now! Though my current menopausal well padded self welcomes the cooler temperatures!!
    My parents used to have a greenhouse and grew mostly tomatoes in it. Do you know, I never ever ate a courgette as a child! It was something we never had! Probably deemed exotic!
    Rachel xx

    1. Frustrating but they'll probably all come along as soon as you get a bit of sunshine.
      I doubt courgettes were a thing in the UK when I was little. I can't ever remember having them either and I doubt Dad would have overlooked such a prolific veg.

  3. Isn't it strange - I only remember eating marrow, never courgettes, when we were growing up, dear old mum boiled it to death until it was completely translucent , pretty yucky really but I ate it - funnily enough though I never cook marrow now though!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. We were lucky enough not to be 'blessed' with marrow. Mum disliked it intensely and never bought it and I guess Dad must have felt the same because he never grew it.

  4. Your homegrown vegetables sound wonderful!

    1. There aren't many different kinds but they taste great. :-) Thank you. xx

  5. Our garden has begun to bloom at last with the rain of the last 2 weeks, after the scotching heat! Our grass is green again We had a 130m of hedging removed and a fence erected so bought small trees and shrubs and it was way too not to plant them. So we've kept them alive in pots watering every day, we were very pleased to see the rain but had enough now!

    1. < grin> Isn't that always the way. It's never quite right for long enough!! The garden sounds lovely and I'm glad the heat has broken and it is thriving again. xx
