Sunday 23 July 2023

Sunday, 23-07-23

 Morning, everyone.  Happy Sunday to us all.  It's dull and damp right now, although the forecast does not predict more rain.  We shall see.

Three garden photos and, frankly, I am baffled, especially by the third.

Remember I planted four yellow courgette seeds and three germinated and grew (eventually).

This is the first-born, the biggest and strongest and the one that stayed in the raised bed.  Plenty of soil and room.  I'm really happy with how it is going and I've picked and enjoyed several so far.

Here's the spare, the next up and the next in size.  I popped that in a decent sized pot, stood that on another pot for height and it is also doing great.  I will be cutting the first courgette for lunch today.

And here's number three, the one I nearly threw out because I didn't need three.
What on earth???
In a small pot, shoved in a corner, it seems to be thriving on neglect.  I meant to give it a chance in a larger pot but forgot and it seems determined to prove itself.  Three little courgettes growing and, if I do nothing else in the next few days, I MUST find that larger pot and give it a better chance.  After all, who doesn't love a survivor?

After a reasonable morning yesterday, around midday the wind got up, it started feeling really chilly and down came the rain in cats and dogs.  It was so cold, I went up, changed into warmer things and dug out my electric fleece to snuggle under because I was NOT going to turn on the central heating, not in July!
Oddly, despite the rain and the gloom, the solar panels kept on exporting power to the grid - well, I thought it was odd, but I wasn't complaining!
It still feels a bit chilly this morning so I've got out my oodie which is working its usual cosy magic.  And, as I'm not going out, I may very well keep it on all day unless the weather changes.

At the moment, I'm working on a granny square top for myself.  I don't have a pattern so it's all a bit try and undo, especially the sleeves.  I'm on the fourth version and I think I've found a way now (and I have remembered to write down what I'm doing because  - well, one does need two sleeves!).  It's keeping my fingers busy anyway, and is using up some more leftover yarn although I have needed to buy some more white.
No photo yet and maybe not at all if it doesn't work out all that well.  :-)

I gave in and picked the not quite ripe tomatoes and have reinstated the tomato-bowl-on-the-kitchen-window-sill where they can do the rest of their ripening.  It's a small bowl at the moment but it will be replaced by a larger one soon, I have no doubt.  Not that this weather is helping them along much.

Today, I'm not going out at all (unless a miracle happens and the sun shines) but I might stir my stumps and get that poor courgette into a nicer home.  I really ought to.  I don't need that many courgettes but Beth loves courgettes and there's neighbours and the Slimmer of the Week hamper at Slimming World, so they won't go to waste.  Better dig out some healthy courgette recipes too.  Fritters, quiches . . .

Ok, enough rambling.  I need to get on with my meal plans for the next week or so, there's a cupboard to sort out, a courgette to deal with and sundry other bits and bobs.
What's the weather like your way at the moment?

All the best and have a great Sunday.  xx


  1. I really like courgettes, mainly grilled or Roasted or in ratatouille or... You get my point 😂. If you fancy a delicious soup that freezes well I can recommend

    1. Thanks, very much, Chrissie. I'd forgotten about ratatouille. xx

  2. Your third courgette plant is a survivor, definitely. Well done, Mrs Greenfingers x x x

    1. Nothing to do with me - I usually manage to murder them pretty quickly. Just a strong batch of seeds. :-) xx

  3. ...courgette cake ....I don't have a recipe but eaten it before and it's delicious. Yes, that 'runt' is a real fighter and deserves to get a bit of leg room.

    1. He has now, as much as I could find although I will need to get another small bag of compost to fishing it off properly. Not a huge pot but the biggest I have left.
      I'll look up courgette cake, thank you - I bet it's not SW friendly though! :-)

  4. Courgette soup, cake or muffins, and fritters all have my vote. Catriona

    1. My mouth is watering. I also like then just raw in salads too. Delicious, especially the smaller ones.

  5. You're going to have plenty of courgettes but that's great - they are pricey and usually too big in the supermarkets aren't they?
    So glad you're now picking your own tomatoes, it's such a great feeling:-)
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Way too big. I don't like them from the shop and rarely buy them.
      Yes, it feels amazing. xx

  6. I started not planting zucchini a few years back as so many people here give them away. Mind you they are usually super large, but still I can shred and use in other recipes. Definitely give that zucchini a chance to grow... I love a survivor as well.

    God bless.

    1. I don't grow the green ones but you can't get yellow ones in the shop, not round here, anyway. They are so lovely and sunny! xx
