Sunday 9 July 2023

Sunday, 09-07-23


Courgettes can be most attractive in their own sculptural fashion.  This one certainly is and I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

Morning, everyone.  It certainly was a hot one yesterday although we didn't get the promised thunder, just a bit of rain.  The ground is still damp now so we must have had some more rain overnight too.  Great.

I ended up shockingly lazy yesterday.  After SET, I did a bit of washing (but not the ironing - bad me!) and a bit of other stuff and then pretty much chilled for the rest of the day and very nice it was too.

Today, Beth and Alex are round for lunch for the first time in ages.  Before then, I have one load of washing to redo as it's been sitting overnight (I was very lazy yesterday) and the ironing.  The rest of the day will take care of itself really - it's going to be a nice one.

Have a lovely Sunday too.  Have you had storms?  xx


  1. No thunder, no rain just very humid yesterday - much fresher today.
    Have a lovely family day

    1. It was pretty humid, wasn't it. I think we must have just caught the end of something from the west here that didn't get as far as you.
      Thanks, Sue, I am really looking forward to having them over.

  2. A couple of short bursts of heavy rain and a few claps of thunder and that was it! Enjoy your family day! x x

    1. Bit of a let down - mind you, a bad storm can be a fearsome thing.
      And thanks - you too. xx

  3. It rained most of yesterday and was really humid in between, so not the best here in Wales. My water butts are overflowing after running out in the heatwave though so that's useful

    1. Very useful. You had a lot more than we have had. xx

  4. It was so humid yesterday with only a couple of short bursts of rain. Today it is bright and sunny but I am inside sewing as I promised a friend that I would have 8 stoma bag covers ready for Tuesday Catriona

    1. Hoping the sewing is going really well. xx

  5. In the last hour we had a tremendous downpour, much welcomed by the garden I think. I agree about courgette plants, they can be very pretty in their own way.
    A lazy day now and again is important, when you're retired it's easy to forget it's the weekend:-)
    Alison in Wales x

    1. You can almost hear the plants cheering, can't you?
      It has been a very pleasant day and I do feel very relaxed and refreshed at the moment. xx

  6. We had two days of on and off very dramatic thunderstorms, I loved it and the air afterwards was beautifully fresh ... and the best bit I didn't have to go out and water the vegetables.

    1. Definitely a big bonus. And yes, the air feels so beautifully fresh after a storm. xx
