Thursday 27 July 2023

Thursday, 27-07-23

Aren't courgette flowers beautiful? 

Morning, everyone, and welcome to a damp and slightly chilly Thursday morning.  The rain started early evening yesterday and, while it is dry at the moment, it doesn't look very encouraging.

I felt like I got a lot done yesterday - all the washing, drying and ironing for a start so that's all done and dusted until next week!

Circuits was great.  There were four of us and Lindsey took it all outside so it was very pleasant.  I was tired but energised afterwards which is always a good sign.

The blood pressure thingy is going fine.  No alarming numbers coming up so last weeks readings and the first day of home measuring must really have been white coat stuff.  Perhaps getting back to proper exercise classes this week has also helped.  Who knows?  Anyway, I think they will be happy with what they see and not need to 'call me back' (unless the blood tests show anything).

Today looks busy but it's all fun stuff.
First of all, it is a SET class online.
No chat with Chris.  They're home from their holiday but, unfortunately, came home poorly.  Bless her, she's really not feeling well enough for an online chat so we've left it until next week.
I'm driving over to Val's for lunch though, and we're going to the Blue Egg, a sort of barn/garden centre close to where she lives.  I'm looking forward to that.  Then she's taking me to the butcher she uses - I've been looking for a decent butcher so I have a Little List and we will see.  It's out in the sticks somewhere but not too far from home.
And when I get home, I need to catch up on the final of Sewing Bee.  I have no idea of the results at the moment.

It's the sort of day where it really doesn't matter if it rains which is probably just as well.

Stay well, everyone.  xx


  1. How lovely having lunch at the Blue Egg! I often go to browse for gifts - they make brilliant food hampers to order as well. Choose your foods and they gift wrap in the container of your choice. There is a plant nursery tucked at the back which I can't resist visiting either! Have a great time.
    Suze xx

    1. I ought to go more often really. I've been once before but it was a very cold, very wet winter's day and I felt so cold that is really all I remember. Oh, and buying a gift for someone.
      Looking forward to it. xx

  2. White coat syndrome is real! I never had it before the chemo thing and now my blood pressure soars at the sight of a nurse walking down the street! Glad it's settled down now you're doing it at home xx

    1. That's very interesting and also a bit of a nuisance for you. Very, very understandable though. It's a relief that it has settled and I am hoping the average for the week will be well within what she wants to see. I could take more meds but I really don't want to unless it is absolutely necessary. xx

  3. It sounds as though you're doing all the right things - well done! x x

    1. I hope so. Today's results were also fine. xx

  4. White coat syndrome is very common, and when I was in hospital due to it, one of the doctors actually admitted that he had it. He was okay on duty but never as a patient, how strange.

    1. Just goes to show it can affect anyone, doesn't it? xx

  5. Agree with everyone about white coat syndrome, I'm not sure it's something younger generations get - according to my GP son they are too busy shouting at doctors and demanding their rights!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Maybe they are generally too young to have much at stake when/if their blood pressure is monitored. xx

  6. Sounds like a busy couple of days. I hope Chris feels better soon!

    1. It has been but it's more chilled today (Friday).
      Thanks, Sharon - me too. xx
