Thursday 6 July 2023

Thursday, 06-07-23

 Morning, everyone.  It's lovely and sunny this morning after some rain over that last few days.  The garden looks really happy right now, breathing in the cool morning vibes.  Me too, in fact.  Lovely!

I have a little correction to make to yesterday's blog.  When I read it through, it wasn't fair on Lindsey to imply that the reason why I didn't do Groove on Tuesday was because of Monday's circuits - I was achey, yes, but the main reason is something I feel very silly about and that was that I went to the loo in the middle of the night, made myself stay as sleepy as possible (because if I wake too much I can't get back to sleep) , sat back on the bed carelessly, found just the edge and fell off onto my bum!!  So I now have a sore sit-upon, as we used to call it.
That's so silly, isn't it?  Feel free to laugh - I did!  And so did Lindsey when I told her!

I need some advice, please.  I found some semi suitable coloured DK yarn and had a go at the sunflower granny squares - the hardest bit was remembering what the USA crochet terms were in English.  Anyway - what do you think look best, rows with one round of background or two?

I haven't got enough of that yarn to make a whole bag, but if I can find complementary colours, I could do a pattern of traditionals interspersed with the sunflower (or sunburst, I believe) squares, assuming they come out the same size. 
It's all about using my diminishing but still too large stash of yarn, after all.

I finished the little tote bag.  I don't know about linings or not - I will look and see what I have upstairs and have a ponder although I think probably I won't, unless I tape-line the handle to make it more substantial.
I like it though.

Matt the Plumber came, gave the boiler, etc, the annual once over, proclaimed it all good, presented the bill and left again.  So that's that for another year.  At the moment, the only gas I am using is a couple of hours heating up the water early morning and that's enough for the whole day as the dishwasher is cold feed and if the washing machine can heat water using solar power, if needed.  So it won't get much wear and tear until the heating needs to come on.

I enjoyed personal training although I did have to be careful on the exercise bike and Lindsey avoided certain exercises involving the lower spine (like sit ups).  I never got to Beth's because she actually popped out to take the 'lost' posters down when she had a work break and the sun was shining.   They're done now, that's the main thing.

Today, as it's lovely and sunny, Chris and I are getting our fruit picking in first thing, followed by coffee in the Bee Shed.  That will be nice.

That is the only thing in the diary but I want to change my sheets and there's some other washing too - not loads but enough.  
On the kitchen front, I read that gram flour makes an effective ingredient for bread so I want to have a go at making a mixed wholemeal and gram flour loaf (or rolls) as I have some in the cupboard that ought to be used and I am curious as I'm ringing the changes with my bread flours at the moment and really enjoying the results. 
Has anyone made bread using some gram flour?   What did you think?

Well, I had better go.  I have my Facebook stuff to do, hair to wash, and be ready to leave at 8:45.  Have a great day everyone, whatever your plans.  xx


  1. Tote bag is gorgeous and I like the larger sunflower squares. Catriona

  2. I would love to be able to follow a crochet pattern but I haven't the patience to learn! Love the larger sunflower squares but both are fab! xxx

    1. It has taken me a long time - I don't find crochet patterns as 'intuitive' as knitting patterns. Thank you for the advice. xx

  3. The sunflower squares are beautiful. I think they look better with two rows. My next door neighbour taught me to crochet when I was about 8 but I have never tried anything like the sunflowers.
    From several.posts ago, your tomato plants are coming on really well and what a variety.

    1. Thanks, Heather. They're not difficult, once to get the hang of them. I'm loving the tomato plants too - they really are coming on well this year. No sign of rip[ening yet but it can't be long, I think. xx

  4. In a bit of a dilemma as you won't have enough of the grey but I prefer the larger sunflower squares, hope you can find another grey that's suitable. I love grey/yellow combinations. It's the classic banana bread syndrome - "got a couple of manky bananas, better make some banana bread, oh, don't have enough bananas, better buy some more" .
    The tote bag is lovely, depends whether you mind it stretching, some lining would help to diminish that, but it could be a bit of a challenge, well too much of one for me, definitely.
    I sympathise with your sliding down your bed, yo are not alone, happened to me before too. Hope it wasn't on a hard floor! xx

    1. LOL - yes, exactly! I'll just have to see how it all goes and when I run out, I run out! It's actually a dark green rather than a grey bit it really does look nice. A lining would be easier of I arrange the squares straight rather than diagonal.
      It was carpeted so not as hard as it might have been.
      Thanks, Annabeth. xx

    2. How about starting the lining just below the zigzags? That would give you a straight line at the top. And maybe a backing on the handles too ..

    3. I have some seam binding which will work nicely for the handles and, perhaps, for the zig zag band around the top. Then I can just cut the actual lining bag to size and French seam it. I'm pondering on the best possible way.

  5. I'm with everyone else - liking the bigger 2 rows best. The bag is very cute.
    Have fun fruit picking

    1. Just back and it was lovely, thanks, Sue. And it looks like the two rows is the winner. Much appreciated. :-)

  6. I definintely prefer the larger two rounds of background edged squares. The little bag is lovely, I would be inclined to line it and the handle before it stretches with use, it will just be a more satisfying job.

    1. It's an awkward shape for lining but I can see that it would be better, for sure.
      Thanks, Sue. xx

  7. Definitely two rows for me. That little tote bag is gorgeous

    1. Everyone says the same so two it is! I've stitched another row on the smaller ones now. xx

  8. 2 rounds look better on the grannies.

    1. Thank you - everyone says the same. Unanimous! xx

  9. The tote bag is so pretty. I like the larger sunflower squares, too. x x

    1. Thanks, Janice. I like it too and I've decided on two rows round. xx

  10. Beautiful work! What a a sweet bag. I like the coasters both ways.

    1. Thanks, Steph. The sunflower design is lovely, I think. Still umming and ahing about lining the trad square bag - I need to decide what I would use it for and also I need to have a rummage in my fabrics. xx

  11. I just love the sunflower pattern. Personally, I would prefer the two rows of background colour. Xx

    1. Thanks, Jules. I think it's confirmed! :-) xx

  12. Sorry late to this - LOVE the crochet bag - but although I understand completely your not being sure about lining it I think the effort would be well worth it, it'll last much longer xx
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yes . . . Still pondering a bit. It would last a lot longer and it's come our well, given that it was just an experiment. xx

  13. I agree with all of the other comments that a wider border looks better. I too would line the bag before it stretches - it is gorgeous. I love your colour combination, you have such a good eye for colour Joy. If you make a paper pattern first I am sure you'll manage ok - perhaps sew a practise piece to check fit. This would help with sizing and fit for future bags too. Good luck.
    Suze x

    1. That's very kind, Suze, thanks. Yes, I have some old sheeting I could use. Good idea. xx

  14. Hope your sit upon is on the mend. I like the square with just one round of border. These crochet terms are annoying. I tried to make a water balloon and it was horrid. Realized after making another pattern, the first designer said the pattern was US terms but it was UK terms. I prefer US terms as that is what I know but have translated the odd pattern which is a nuisance.

    1. My sit-upon is sore when I sit upon it - bit of a nuisance, really. But if I sit upright, it's easier. Good for my posture! xx

  15. Ouch! Hope you're managing to sit comfortably by now! I'm late to the party but I agree that all the sunflowers look good but the larger squares are best. I do envy your craftiness!

    1. Aw, thanks, Chrissies, that is so very kind. It's lovely to hear from you again too. xx

  16. The squares are really pretty. I like the bag!

    1. Thanks, Sharon. Me too and I'm just working out the best way to line it, given the top isn't straight across. I'll work something out! xx
