Friday 14 July 2023

Friday, 14-07-23

Good morning, everyone.  There's been a bit of a change in the weather and this morning is dull and quite cool - I will be wearing a jacket or cardigan to SW this morning, that's for sure.

The confused dahlia has finally started flowering - you can see what I mean about random pink and white petals, can't you?  There's just one flower at the moment but there are plenty of buds so it won't be long.

Yesterday was really quite busy, on and off.  I'm counting 'fruit picking' and 'cuppa with friend' as busy, you see!

It was so lovely at Lathcoats.  Wandering up and down the rows, picking first some strawberries and then loads and loads of raspberries, enough to keep me going for a while plus a whole pile in the freezer too.  Raspberries freeze so very well.  It won't be long before some other produce is ready too.  They have rows of dwarf beans, for example, so I am wondering if they are part of the PYO.
I also got a few needed bits and bobs from the farm shop and treated myself to some luscious looking peaches and nectarines - wo of each.  Yum.

When I got home again, I made breakfast and then got the house cleaner friendly for today.  Occasionally, I leave it until Friday morning but I prefer to have it in order by Thursday evening really.

In the afternoon, I whizzed off to school for the meeting and then over to Julia's for the best cuppa I have had in a long while and some fruit as a snack.  It was really lovely.

And that was yesterday's 'busyness'

Today starts with Slimming World and then I will only be home for a short time before I go out again, to my friend, Diane's, as we're going out somewhere for lunch.  I don't know where so it feels a real treat.
By the time I get home, the cleaners may well have done their usual and the house will be shiny clean.

And that, pretty much, is today.  I don't care about the weather; it's going to be a goodie anyway.
Take care, everyone, stay safe and enjoy your day.  xx


  1. I'd love to visit a pyo. The thought of fresh picked peaches is making my mouth water... I need to buy a peach tree.

    1. The peaches weren't PYO, they were in the farm shop - but I have just had one of the nectarines and it was gorgeous. Dad grew peaches for a short time and they were the best I have ever tasted. xx

  2. I love your confused dahlia - perhaps you could propagate it and market it as a novelty! x x

  3. I think PYO sounds amazing, sadly there aren't any close enough to me. Have some nice fresh raspberries for me 😊

    1. That won't be a problem lol A shame you don't have any close by. xx

  4. It sounds like a lovely visit to Lathcoats. I can't eat fresh peaches, biting into one is like biting into a fruity hamster ... not that I have ever bitten a hamster!! Funnily enough, thinking about it, I don't seem to like any fruit that has a stone, whether it's wearing a fur coat or not!

    1. Interesting. We're all different, aren't we? So things like mango, plums, etc too?
      Tha hamster thing made me laugh!!

  5. I too wish we had a Lathcoats around here, very envious of the raspberries:-)
    I have a dahlia that's rather like your confused one - can't decide if it's red or white, aren't dahlias great when they get going, I love bringing one or two indoors with some greenery they keep going for so long x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Sometimes it is hard to keep up with the dead heading but it's a must do thing or they just finish their cycle for the year. They're lovely, I agree. So much variety in colour, shape and size.

  6. Oh, I wish I had cleaners like you do. Dahlias are one of my favorite flowers. Something has been eating mine; yours is very pretty.

    1. I seem to get nibbly creatures more round the back than the front but they are quite susceptible to blackfly, I find.
      I love my cleaners - I could manage without them but I am very glad I don't have to!

  7. It's a really pretty flower, even if it is two colours! Hope you have an enjoyable lunch.

    1. It's very pretty. Once the flowers really get going, they are a real eye catcher.
      I did, thanks, it was so good.
