Monday 3 July 2023

Monday, 03-07-23

To think I nearly threw this out, thinking it had died in the bitter cold of last winter.  In fact, a good cut back is obviously just what it needed as it's healthier and stronger than it has been for years.  Something learned for four or five years hence, maybe?
Time to start using it in my cooking again!

Good morning, everyone.  So it is Monday yet again, new week, new adventures (well, little happenings, anyway).  The sun is shining and I have sneezed seven times!

(Beth's photo)
It was a bit of a stressful weekend really.  At some point on Saturday, little Peter, the small cat with the big ears and the even bigger heart, decided it was time to get to know the area a bit more (that's what I am assuming at the moment) so, instead of popping in and out and coming back very regularly, he disappeared.  He's fairly new to going out so still quite naïve about the great outdoors.
Beth hoped he would turn up come Saturday evening, when it got dark and he got hungry but no Peter.  No Peter yesterday either, despite Beth spending hours going round the area, calling and shaking the bag of Dreamies (which normally gets him running back faster than any cat should be able to move!).  I didn't sleep well Saturday or Sunday for worrying so I hate to think how little sleep Beth and Alex managed to get.

Thankfully, as I have just read on Facebook, he turned up early this morning and, at time of Beth writing the message on Facebook, was face down in a bowlful of food so that's good and I am most relieved.  Phew.
A shame about all the comfort eating yesterday but there you go - all's well now.

That's the main news.  A great way to start a new week.

I managed to get three loads of washing done - darks, whites and towels - and dried and ironed too  I love an empty clothes basket!  I didn't get Julia's tomatoes planted on so that is top of the list today, nor did I do the weekly feeding so I can do that  straight afterwards.  The front 'lawn' < cough > also needs a trim.

Apart from those things, Circuits is starting again and Chris is coming along too, which is lovely.  I had been going to leaflet drop missing cat sheets around Beth's area in the afternoon but I don't need to do that now which is great!
I really am feeling so very relieved and happy this morning.

Have a lovely Monday, everyone.  xx


  1. So happy lovely little Pet is home and safe xx Mo

    1. Thanks, Mo - it is a huge relief all round. xx

  2. Glad to hear little Peter is home. Hope he and Lucy haven't been purring too much in each other's ears whilst no-one (of the human kind) has been listening! Beth doesn't want any more hair raising adventures to deal with! Thank goodness all is safe and well.
    Suze x

    1. It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Pesky cats - they get under your skin and cause such heartache at times. But they give much joy too. xx

  3. It's good to hear that Peter the wanderer is home again. It's so worrying not knowing where they are.

    1. Thanks, Janice. It was worrying, for sure. All's well that ends well though. xx

  4. So glad that Peter showed up. Sometimes I wonder the adventures that these disappearing animals get up to! There was a lost dog in our area. It was gone for several days. The owners had volunteers, people with drones. Nothing. A few days later early in the morning he showed up at the owner's door barking to be let in lol.

    1. I thought the same. Beth said he did a lot of 'talking' to her yesterday (Monday) and it would have been fascinating to know what he was 'saying'. xx

  5. I'm relived Peter arrived home safe and sound. These cats don't seem to realise how worrisome they can be. X

    1. No, although Peter might have got shut in a shed or garage, of course. He was very hungry. We were all so pleased. xx

  6. I think it's the time of year for cats to go a-wandering. Our town Facebook page is full of appeals for us to look out for various cats that have not reappeared after a day missing. Maybe they just like to have a day trip at the start of Summer!

    1. Maybe they do - some of them anyway. I always feel very sad when I see those notices and appeals. There's a lot of love invested in a pet. xx
