Sunday 2 July 2023

Sunday, 02-07-23

Morning, everyone.  It is stupid o'clock and I'm wide awake and ready to start the day.  A bit annoying but I can't make myself go back to sleep like I could in my youth!  I'm probably have a 'power nap' lated on today.

Afternoon tea at Beth's was lovely.  I was so pleased that my scones turned out light and fluffy (they don't always) and everything was so delicious.  I know it was all the things one shouldn't have very often but, once in a while, it is OK, I think.

Julia had brought some tomato plants with her - she grows them and sells them to raise money for charity.  Now, I don't NEED any more plants but I certainly wanted to support what she does so I bought two and made a donation.  So now, to add to the others, I have  Black Beauty, which is a beefsteak type, and the other is labelled 'on the vine orange' so I will have to wait and
 see how large they are.  I'll get them into larger pots today and find room for them somewhere.

When I got home from Beth's, there was an email waiting that made me very happy.

I think I mentioned that I had contacted a local group that organises coach trips that start from one place so the first hour of travelling is not spent taking a scenic route around Chelmsford picking small numbers of people up. 
When I got back from the Living Museum on Friday, they had put me on their mailing list and sent an email, enclosing all the upcoming trips that still have spaces.

Yesterday morning, I went through the list and there were two things I have wanted to do for ages now.  One I had booked with Lodge's but lockdown stopped any shenanigans of that kind for a while and it was cancelled. 
There weren't many spaces left so I did wonder whether they might have all gone by the time I asked.
But when I got home from Beth's, there was an email telling me that  I had a place booked for the trip to Windsor and a place booked for the Warner Brothers Studio Tour which is the Making of Harry Potter thingy.
They're both in September and I am so pleased.  Really happy!

Today is an easy day.  I might do some washing, it all depends on what the weather does and how I feel.  At the moment, it is too early to tell but the forecast is positive - up to around 21C and sunny intervals. 
I need to feed the tomatoes and to pot on the new ones and there's a bit of weeding to get on with. 

Have a lovely Sunday, everyone.  I hope the weather is good where you are and you can do whatever you have planned.


  1. Afternoon tea sounds lovely and I can almost smell those tomato plants.
    It's always good to have something to look forward to.
    I was up at 4:00, courtesy of Gilbert, so today will be interesting!

    1. Oh, Gilbert!!!
      Yes, I love that I have good things to look forward to. It makes life exciting. xx

  2. The Warner Brothers Studio tour is brilliant and I'm sure you will enjoy it. I can't remember whether you have been before or not. I'm hoping to go on a Windsor trip as well but don't know if I'll be lucky or not as I'm hoping for a cancellation to get a seat. It's very popular and I may have to wait for next year to do that one, but I am booked on a tour to Buckingham Palace, which is exciting.

    Glad to hear you enjoyed your afternoon tea and are now the proud own of yet more tomatoes ... at least you know you will use them all.

    It's overcast here but dry, ahead of a week of rainy days if the forecast is correct. I've been deadheading this morning but M sorted out all the weeding when she was here on Thursday. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day. xx

    1. I've been to neither Windsor or to the Studios so I am really thrilled to have the opportunity. The Buckingham Palace one was full or I'd have tried that too, I think, but I guess i can wait until next year! lol
      It's not looking all that great here this coming week - although if you're a plant, it is probably looking better! xx

  3. I did a car boot sale this morning which proved very good, I was a bit hesitant as I haven't visited this one as a seller or buyer before. I will definitely sell there again. The weather was on my side so it brought out the buyers which was just as I wanted. Harry Potter studios are brilliant , I can recommend a visit.
    Suze x

    1. Good for you - what were you selling?
      I'm looking forward to both trips. Fingers crossed they both get filled. xx

  4. Exciting trips planned! It's always lovely to have something to look forward to and I know you will enjoy both.

    1. Already I am looking forward to them and they're not until September. xx

  5. Scones are always a bit hit and miss aren't they. No matter how carefully you follow the same recipe you never know what you will end up with until you open the oven door. The two trips sound brilliant, something nice to look forward to in Autumn.

    1. I've produced some shockers in my time - but they were good this time so that's OK!
