Wednesday 5 July 2023

Wednesday, 05-07-23

 Good morning, everyone!  After quite a lot of rain yesterday when it felt really quite cold and I wrapped up warm, the sun is shining on a sparkling raindrop world and the forecast is quite good for the first part of the day but indicates rain showers and maybe a bit of storming later on.  We will see.

Courgette 1 continues to thrive, much to my astonishment because I never used to have much luck with yellow courgettes.  The babies are growing painfully slowly at the moment but if you know where to look, you can see them without needing a close up now.
Number two, ion a larger pot, is smaller but equally healthy and also has a bright yellow baby.  Number three is refusing to fade away and die in its small pot so now I am wondering about finding a larger pot to move it into.  
I've never known courgettes grow so well.  I'm baffled!  :-)

Yesterday was a day of cancellations!

I cancelled Groove because I was feeling very achey and hurty, the result of getting back to exercising on Monday after a week off!  Sometimes I know I can push on through but sometimes it feels wiser to desist.  Lindsey always understands and I know I will be fine for personal training this afternoon.

Then I went into school for a monitoring visit, but the person I needed to see was not in school.  To be fair, it was arranged last minute after last week's visit was cancelled and I hadn't received a confirmation.  Not to worry, the time wasn't wasted as I sat down with K who gave me a good update on something else I am involved in.

Later on, I had planned to go over to Beth's to help her go round the neighbourhood taking down 'Peter is Missing' posters that she put up on Sunday but by mid afternoon it was pouring with rain so - yup, we cancelled!

What did I do?  Well, a bit of this, that and the other really.  I got my kitchen sorted out, did some other housework - the usual stuff - and I crocheted granny squares.  The bag I was making only takes thirteen squares although the joining together was a bit of a brain ache until I got the idea and then it all dropped into shape.  I'm now doing the straps and then I need to ponder if a lining is needed.  It depends what I use it for, I think, and if I do it won't be that straight forward.  I'll think about it!
I like the bad though and, yes, it would be nice with a fancier granny square or more imaginative colour design.
And cotton yarn would be perfect.  Oh dear - do I feel a yarn shop coming on.  No - I can't.

< grin >

Today is simpler, I think.  Matt the Plumber is round to service the boiler, etc, so I have to remember to check that the water is off at eight.  It should be anyway but I will make sure.
I need to do some serious dead heading in the back garden so that's on this morning's list too
Later on, it is personal training and after that, early evening, I'll be helping Beth with those posters (assuming it isn't raining again, that is).
And it is Sewing Bee this evening.  Lovely.

Do you like having regular things to punctuate your day or do you prefer a life of unexpecteds?

Have a great day anyway, whatever happens.  xx


  1. It's a bit warmer this morning. Yesterday was very cool here I'm repainting the hall and staircase today. Mistral Mist is a pretty shade of blue.

    1. That sounds so pretty, Cherie. Nice and cool looking too. xx

  2. It was cold and miserable here yesterday. We had one and a half inches of rain and it looks as if there's more to come today. x x

    1. That's a fair old downpour, isn't it? We've had some rain, a helpful amount, but not as much as that, I think. xx

  3. Blowy somewhat overcast here but dry, hurrah!
    I do like some routines but am a bit impulsive on the whole. For instance my m in law has to do her grocery shopping on a Wednesday morning or she feels all put out, I'd rather go as and when needed and at different times of day to suit......ah well we're all different are t we? :-)
    Alison in Wales x

    1. We are and isn't that a good thing! I have some routine but I like a bit of different too. Shopping is definitely something I fit in when needed or when I feel like it but when I was working full time it had to be a specific time. I suppose being able to do it any time is a symbol of freedom! xx

  4. My week is very structured and seldom deviates - exercise class on the same two days, tennis on the same four days and I always shop on Wednesday morning early! I occasionally mix it up. For instance, I went strawberry picking last Wednesday and spent the rest of the day making jam, so shopping was shifted to Saturday, my one unscheduled day!

    1. I think when we have a lot of regular and scheduled events, things have to fit in properly, don't they. It's necessary. xx

  5. Ack cancellations!

    It's hot and very muggy here. When I did my walk this morning it was 98% humidity. I was hot and sticky and grumpy by the time I was done.
    I have a bit of structure to my week - walks and days to do housework things, but other than that I usually do what I please though I tend to go through life daydreaming. I am trying to stick to lists which I suppose is a bit more structure.

    1. That sounds very uncomfortable indeed. Hoping it will ease soon. Do you have air con?
      Your week sounds pretty much like mine except that my definites are exercise classes, Slimming World and so on. Housework gets done as and when - but I always was a bit casual with that side of things anyway. xx
