Monday 31 July 2023

Monday, 31-07-23

Morning, everyone.    The sun emerged a few moment ago, looked around, didn't like what it saw and went away again - and I suspect that's how today is going to be!  Flippin' Gulf Stream!

A few garden updates.

A very odd cucumber indeed but it will probably taste fine. 

LIttle Runt is evidently appreciating the replant and the missing soil doesn't seem to be bothering him in the slightest!

And, seeing as Heir is nurturing several babies at the moment, Spare is coming to the fore with two that will be beauties in a few days.
Maybe I can use three courgette plants after all.  I gave away five last week, which is nice.

The tomatoes need sun though and I'm worried about blight with all this dampness.  

Today feels a bit busy although it isn't really.  I need to do my end of month finances although I already know it has been a heavy month what with new glasses, boiler service, a couple of annual subscriptions, etc.  Must try to be careful through August.

Also, I have two fitness classes today, Family Circuits and Personal Training.  The former is what I pulled out of last week because Lindsey had to use the Studio and had too many 'bodies'; today should be OK inside or out.
Personal training has moved from Wed to Mon through August.

So, what with them and all the usual stuff, the day feels a bit full so I'd better go and get started, I guess. 
Do you have a bust day today or do you have space for some R&R.  Whichever it is, enjoy it all!  xx


  1. That cucumber is wonderful. I hope it has a wonderful taste, too.

    1. Maybe it is trying to emulate a posh squash! :-) xx

  2. I have R&R everyday - in between all the itty bitty house and garden jobs!

  3. Okay you win ... that is the wierdest looking cucumber shape I have seen this Summer. :-)

    1. < grin > It'll taste good - that is what matters. Beauty is only skin deep, etc, etc. xx

  4. We are getting fed up with the rainy weather too and the slugs and snails have come back out to munch on our baby cucumbers which is not on! But looking at the forecast we are stuck with this dampness for quite a while yet, a bit weird when the intense heat continues in Europe. I don't really want that extreme again though so shouldn't grumble.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I agree. I'm happier with this damp and cool than I would be with the terrible heat. Also, after having a field fire close to home last year, I am so glad of the rain, even if it does mean the dreaded blight.

  5. Cucumbers seem to take some very different shapes.

    If only you could send some rain to the middle of Canada. We are unbelievably dry right now.

    God bless.

    1. I wish we could too - it is in our news how hot and dry it is round your part of the world. It must be v3ry hard to cope with. xx

  6. That is a funny looking cucumber! Made me smile.

    1. Me too. I must cut it soon - it's not going to even out at all. :-)

  7. Your cucumber looks funny :) Perhaps the top half of it will catch up soon.
    My rescued tomatoes plants are now huge! They just need some sunshine. X

    1. Doesn't seem to be but I'm sure it will taste great! xx

  8. That cucumber is a sweet little thing. I bet it tastes fantastic never mind how it looks.

    1. I am sure it will - fresh is wonderful. :-) xx
