Sunday 16 July 2023

Sunday, 16-07-23

Morning, everyone!  As forecast, yesterday was changeable.  We had sun, we had cloud, we had rain and, most of all, we had wind which dried my washing ib less than two hours!  Today looks really pleasant (three cheers) through the morning and afternoon and maybe a bit damp in the evening.  No complaints here. 

Very first of all, Suze and Annabeth, thank you so very much for your donations.  Everyone has been so very generous and I'm very grateful to you all.  xxx

The self defence course was very, very good.  As hoped, it was about getting yourself out of trouble, and he started by going over principles such as walking in a state of alert, reading the signs around you, trusting your instincts about a situating, how to hold your car keys, parking so you can drive away quickly, locking your car, etc, etc.  He also went over whet one can and can't do and remain within the law.
Then he taught us strategies for breaking away, should things get difficult.  As he said (and as I said yesterday) the aim was to get away as quickly as possible.
Anyway, it was very good and very informative and I'm glad I went.

For the rest of the day I did the usual stuff including a load of washing that dried extremely quickly (but not the ironing), some meal prep, and some crochet.  It would have been a nice day for sitting out but it was just too windy for comfort.

Today, of course, is the Race for Life.  I think everything is ready apart from filling my water bottle, although I had a panic because I couldn't find my safety pins.  I know I have a big tin full, inherited from Mum, but could I find it anywhere?  So annoying.  Fortunately, I managed to find four which I think is all I need.  I have my number and my letter and I know where to park and where the Slimming World gazebo will be.  I have a couple of apples, my fold up mac, the last bits of a loo roll and sun protection (I can hope).
I think that is about it!

When I get home and have had my lunch, I have a small pile of ironing to do and then I think I will just chill.

So that's today.  I will try and take some photos to share tomorrow.  Have a great Sunday, everyone.  xx


  1. Have a lovely time this morning Joy, I hope the weather stays dry (but not too hot) for you. The self defence course sounds as though it was just perfect. xx

    1. It was very good, Sooze. Realistic and helpful.

  2. I think a good rest with feet up will be in order after your race. I hope it goes well, not too hot, or cold, or wet, or windy - just not too . . . x x x

    1. It was just right and now I'm home and enjoying a coffee. The conditions were perfect. xx

  3. Good that you enjoyed the self defence class although I no longer have keys for the clever car and it opens as I pull the handle. My dad who was a police officer told me always to reverse into a space so that I could drive off quickly if needed. Good luck this morning and hope you don’t get wet/ blown away. Catriona

    1. It was a bit windy in more exposed parts but nothing like yesterday would have been and it was very refreshing.
      How clever to have a door that opens to - your fingerprints? I tend to go forward into a space - must practise my reversing a bit more. It has never been a strength.

  4. I hope your race went well, Joy. Xx

    1. It did, thanks, Jules. I had a great time. xx

  5. Sounds like a good class! Glad it was helpful.

    Hope the race went well and the weather stayed good.

    1. It did, it was and I had a great time, thanks, Sharon. xx

  6. Hope all went well and you had a good result.

    1. Well, I wasn't timing anything but I finished and I could have carried on if necessary so I call that a good result. It was really good, thanks, Chris. xx
