Tuesday 19 December 2023

Tuesday, 19-12-23: Blogmas 19

Good morning, everyone.  I'm waking at stupid o'clock this week, probably because there's too much on my mind, but it does mean I'm getting stuff done.   

The packing is pretty much done now.  I need to put in the posh clothes, shut the cases and weigh them today before opening them up again and laying out the posh stuff again. 
I did a bit of washing yesterday and will do a bit more tomorrow and what isn't done after that will have to wait.
I also walked to Morrisons and picked up my prescription.  I think I had enough to tide me over but better safe than sorry.

Yesterday was a day of gifts.
First of all,. there were the body shop gifts, of course.
Then a biggie.  Regular readers will remember that a fortnight ago I was supposed to be in school for a governor visit but had to cancel because I was unwell the night before.  We rescheduled for today which meant that most of the day would be taken up with the visit and then writing my report afterwards.  However - and this is not a good thing - I got an email yesterday cancelling today as the person involved was unwell and not in school for a few days.  No, not good, but it is a gift of a whole day and has really taken all the stress away.
Lindsey is on Jury Service this week which has driven a coach and horses through her usual daytime ad hoc holiday classes.  However, today she is not needed until eleven so she is doing studio/online Groove class  which I have booked, seeing as I won't be in school.  Excellent!

Here's today's Body Shop Advent gifts for today and the 23rd.
Another shower gel which works for me.  Another for the suitcase!
And a vitamin E sheet mask.  It looks a lot easter that the previous face thingy as it's just a sheet you lay over, leave and take off again.  Maybe this evening, maybe tomorrow evening for a bit of a pamper.

Today starts with a bit of work in the kitchen, getting my meals for today prepped before the online Groove class.  Yesterday, my tech was playing up - fist of all there was sound but no video, then there was video but no sound and doing Groove without the music isn't so good.  Fortunately, I managed to get the sound sorted in the end (not sure how) so had music for the last fifteen minutes.  Fingers crossed it cooperates today.
Then I want to sort out the fridge; Beth and Alex will take any extra bits so I will drive over to them to drop stuff off.
I need to check the weight of my cases and adjust stuff if necessary.
I need to read the gas meter and send that off.  A bit earlier than usual but not to worry.  I can take another reading early January and they can work it out!  I must be due for another bill soon.
And I want to do a bit of general tidying and sorting out.
Then I can chill!

How are the Christmas preparations going for you?

There's not long to go now so, for my Blogmas music, I am on to the traditional stuff, good old Christmas Carols that pretty much everyone knows.

Today it is that lovely carol, Silent Night.  Three versions.
The first is from Kings College Choir - quite an old one.
The second is a performance from Celtic Women.
The third is a very different interpretation from Pentatonix.
Which do you prefer?


  1. I like the traditional renditions. Celtic Woman made me laugh with 'intfant'.
    An unexpected bonus day is always a good thing:- x x x

    1. It is such a blessing to have another day. I'm going great guns too. Tomorrow should be pretty easy now. xx

  2. Sounds very organized Joy, when are you off?

    1. Couple of days, Chris. Very soon now. xx

  3. Lovely music thank you. Sounds as if you are well organised and not many sleeps now! Catriona

  4. I'm a traditionalist 😀 You are so busy getting organised that you might ' meet yourself coming back ' as my dear old mum used to say x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. < chuckle > Your mum was a very wise lady. If I don't feel organised, I get a bit stressed. Maybe it comes from being a teacher. You have to be SO organised in education, you really do. And even then, there's always the feeling you should have done more.

  5. Bonus days are lovely, we all need more of those. Funny, I have been walking around today singing Silent Night. Not as good as those you have posted, but good enough for me.

    God bless.

    1. It's always good enough, that's the lovely thing! xx

  6. How exciting! I hate the packing and then seeing if things weigh right. It drives me crazy. When I come back from England I end up having to pay for an extra case, but even then you have to be so careful about the weight. It's a pity they don't average it out lol.

    It does sound like things are coming together. I had a crazy week last week trying to get everything sorted before I left, but it's lovely this week knowing all back at home is taken care of and I can relax until the baby comes!

    1. Well, it was fine, it is quite a generous weight allowance and, if we were taking ourselves there, there would be no restrictions at all.
      You and yours are on quite a journey too, aren't you. Enjoy the relaxing and, so much more, the baby. So very exciting. xx

  7. Hope you have a lovely trip, Joy, and Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you, Debbie, and a Merry Christmas to you too. xx
