Thursday 7 December 2023

Thursday, 07-12-23: Blogmas 7

Morning, everyone.  Here I am, bleary eyed, slightly upset tum thinking 'serves me right'!  Seriously, the wine tasting was great fun and I would do it again like a shot (but maybe not this month!) but mixing drinks is asking for trouble really.  100ml at a time isn't loads, but six, all different, is!
It really was fun though - interesting talks from some wine producers that Naked supports, lots of chat (written chat, we weren't on screen) and people asked good questions.  

Moving on - the Body Shop calendar gave me this today - they call it a cleansing face and body bar and I call it soap!

It smells lovely.  However, I started a new bar of soap just a couple of days ago so it's going to either be regifted or join the collection of soaps I already have (which includes some from Mum and Dad's house - they liked to buy things like that in batches from Droyt).  I suspect I will do the former.

There's no info about who they work with to produce this on the box.

Yesterday seemed to go on for ever.  
The traffic was really bad going into town for some reason.  that usually happens when there are problems with the A12 and everything comes our way through which used to be the old A12.  I got there eventually and did what I had planned to do - Matalan, Homesense, Home Bargains, and then on to Longacres.  I pretty much managed to get what I wanted and, by the end, I felt all shopped out.
Once home, I grabbed all the wrapping stuff and got going.  The Christmas tree now looks lovely and festive with the pressies around the bottom.  Time was when they were stacked high but not now.  I have 'no gift' arrangements with some friends and no little ones in the family.  Fine by me.
Personal training was great although the traffic was still awful.
And the wine tasting was fun

Today, quite apart from any drinky repercussions, I'm feeling weary but it is an easier day.  I have my chat with Christine, Val is round for lunch and there's washing/ironing so plenty of time to rest easy, thank goodness.

Today's advent music is 'Candlesong' by Graham Kendrick.  Simple and absolutely beautiful.


  1. Why do roadworks occur around Christmas? There are traffic lights everywhere on every exit/entrance to Crowthorne. People are not happy!
    I'm glad you enjoyed your wine tasting - shame about the after-effects, though.

    1. < grin > self inflicted and not as bad as it could have been.

      You would think they'd avoid the busiest places at this time of year. Maybe that is just too sensible. xx

  2. Pink Grapefruit is may favourite scent from Body Shop. This is my body wash, and scrub. I might have to look for the soap and body butter the next time I am in the bigger city.

    God bless.

    1. It does have a lovely scent - fresh and citrussy - I love citrus. I just have so many bars of soap though.
      Happy hunting!

  3. Love the video. You know how to pick them.

    1. Thanks, Marjorie - it's a lovely song, I think.

  4. Glad you had a lovely time at the wine tasting. I must admit that some wines give me a really bad headache even if I don't drink a lot of it and mixing them - ugh.

    1. Yes - it's the downsize bit of wine tasting. It was soon gone though and I had a very pleasant day! xx

  5. That is a beautiful song. I hope you don't mind if I share it on my blog too.

    1. Not at all - it's on YouTube for everyone. I'm so glad you liked it.
      There are several versions, once sung by Kendrick, but it was written for choristers and I love the version above best. xx
