Thursday 14 December 2023

Thursday, 14-12-23: Blogmas 14

Good morning, lovely people.  It's Thursday and where has this week gone?  In a flash, that's where.  To be fair, I did sleep a lot of the last two days away . . .
However, apart from not eating properly yet, I feel fine now, thankfully.  I had a couple of small meals yesterday which stayed put and didn't cause too many other issues so that was good.  

However, something has it in for me and mine!  There's poor Beth with her back (muscle relaxants and anti inflammatories, plus pain killers prescribed) and then yesterday Dave texted to say he had Covid after avoiding it completely for years!
We were going to have a family pre-Christmas thingy on Sunday; that may not go ahead now.  It depends if Dave is negative by Sunday and also if he feels up to it plus will Anna go down with it?
I'm glad I knew yesterday because I had planned an early morning shop today to get the food for it.  I will wait now until Sunday morning and take a raincheck with Dave around nine thirty.  I can catch Morrisons early, if necessary, and it shouldn't be too bad.

Beth and Alex (who remains fit and healthy as far as I know) will definitely be coming over Sunday afternoon.  We can open pressies and play games.
And have a Family Gathering in the New Year.

Sharon came over (she was full of cold, poor thing, and wore a mask), worked her magic, and now my hair is ready for Christmas!   I never cease to be amazed and how much better I feel after a hair-do - do you feel that too?

Today, I have had to change all my plans.
Instead of a big shop at M&S and Aldi, I'm doing a small shop at Morrisons.
Then Chris is over for coffee and chat and a few refreshments, seeing as it's our last one for a few weeks.
Then I was going into town on the bus but Maxine emailed me yesterday to say sorry I had been ill and because of that, Bob hadn't finished the final clear up and the last few snaggy things (I had noticed) so could they come this afternoon. 
Given that the company is closed over the next two weeks (who wants home improvements the week before Christmas) and they really want to tie this all up as I do too, it felt a lot more important than going into town to get advice about foundation from some posh girl in John Lewis.  It's good because once they've done that, I can move the pots around and start trying different ways of placing them.
And I want to start packing - I mean getting things out to pack, of course.

Today's Body Shop Advent thingy is some pink grapefruit shower gel (to go with the soap, I guess).  I'm loving these little bottle of shower gel and will definitely be using them in the next few weeks.
It means I get the pink grapefruit vibe and still have the soap to regift or donate.  Can't be bad!

Have a lovely day, everyone.  xx

Today's Blogmas music is one I totally love.  
Thorns in the Straw, written and performed by Graham Kendrick.  
Beautiful words, beautiful melody and beautiful harmonies.


  1. Love Graham Kendrick worship songs, I saw him in Chelmsford Cathedral singing From a Spark to a Flame,

    1. He's very good, I agree. Many of my favourites are from his pen/guitar. xx

  2. Sorry to hear your son has Covid-it’s certainly doing the rounds again. Would some of the little bottles and tubes be useful for your cruise instead of full size ones? Good that the builders are finishing today. Catriona

    1. Yes, I was thinking that - a really useful size. Some have made their way into the spare room where I am piling things up. xx

  3. I love your header. Did you make it? This time of year is wonderful for throwing germs and other ailments around - I hope you and yours manage to get together before you leave for your cruise.
    I cut 3 inches off my hair the other day in the hopes of banishing the eternal headache - it didn't work!

    1. Thank you - yes, I did. I made it for Mum, in fact, and claimed it back after she passed away.

      Do you have your hair long? Three inches is a considerable amount really. I'm sorry about the headache though. xx

  4. I've missed a few posts, sorry that you've been under the weather. I will be enjoying catching up the few days that I've missed because of traveling to family.
    Take care
    Alison in Wales x

    1. You too. I hope the travelling went well and also that you're feeling loads better now. xx

  5. Time is whizzing by so quickly, and it seems the more we do the faster it goes. Maybe I should try sitting staring into space for a while and slow things down. :-)

    I'm glad to hear you are feeling batter after being so poorly, but now it's the turn of those around you, there are so many bugs and Covid doing the rounds at the moments aren't there.

    1. Maybe we should - it might help. :-)
      Thanks and yes, there's a lot of stuff doing the rounds right now. Time of the year .
      Hoping you and yours are well. xx

  6. Sorry about the sickness. We are holding our breath...we had a grand in hospital over Tgiving...that day passed us by. This same little one has a birthday with friends on Saturday and with family next week. Aunt has flown in to be here...we hope to daughter won't be here, but the other four and I will have VERY low key...with two little Christmas to you and I hope you have a lovely trip.

    1. Thank you so much, Brenda. I hope your Christmas is wonderful and just what you hope it to be. xx

  7. Hopefully you've finished with icky bugs and can enjoy the weekend. That's brave shopping on a Sunday morning. The shops here are heaving on Sunday's.

    1. I hope so. I do feel fine now so that's great. As for Sunday - change of plan. More in next post xx

  8. Ouch, I know exactly how your son feels after managing to keep Covid free for so long. Hopefully things clear up quickly in your family.

    God bless.

    1. Yes! He's in the 'vulnerable' category but, thankfully, it's not such a bad thing to get nowadays.
      Thanks, Jackie. xx

  9. Seems so many people have been visited by these nasty unwanted germs. I do hope that you and the family are all well enough for your Christmas get together on Sunday.
    Beautiful song x

    1. It's the time of the year, isn't it. So many bugs around.
      I'm glad you liked the music. xx
