Monday 4 April 2022


Morning, everyone.  It's much milder here this morning and wet too.  Oh, well, good for the garden, I am sure.

Yesterday passed pretty much as planned really.  I didn't do all that much really and it was jolly cold outside.

I was sad to see that the frosts have nipped at the new growth on my little fig, even though it's supposed to be pretty hardy and was by the house.  All the new little leaves are shrivelled and wrinkled and they were so fresh and strong the other day.  I just hope it will fight back and send up new growth to replace them. 
I've just taken this photo and, to be fair, it looks a lot better than it did yesterday so fingers crossed!

 Nothing else seems to have suffered all that much really!  (fingers crossed)

I had a short chat with Beth in the afternoon.  Not long because she started feeling a bit giddy and tired but it was nice to see her.  Generally, she's getting better but she is still positive and won't be back at work this week.  Alex remains negative, thank goodness.  Maybe he will escape this.

When I woke today, I felt the frisson of excitement I always get at the start of a school holiday.  It's six and a half years down the retirement track now and still I get that sense of excitement and freedom on the first day of a holiday.  It's such a nice feeling, I hope it never dies!

I start with tuition - in the holidays I see my student at eight thirty instead of after school.  It works for all of us and frees the rest of the day up for holiday jollification (for them) and the usual stuff (for me)!  Only four more sessions, I think, now - or is it five?  Not many anyway.

Then I plan to do a small shop.  There's not much I need, just a few bits and bobs including fresh stuff, so it shouldn't take too long or be too costly.

Later on there's the usual Monday circuits with Lindsey.  I'm looking forward to that very much.  After that, there's some ironing, just a little bit, and some other housework before I chill with my Kindle and get started on my next cross stitch.
Time to stop and get ready for the day ahead.  Do you have warmer weather and rain this morning?  Stay well and have a super day.  xx


  1. Good morning Joy, raining here, which we really needed. Shame about your fig tree, hope it picks up, we covered our peach tree again last night but no signs of frost here. Poor Beth, its taking its time to clear, rest is the best medicine and hope today is the start of her feeling better.

    1. Thanks, Chris.
      It took nearly twelve days before I tested positive so she might have a while to go yet. xx

  2. Oh that poor fig!
    Everything was OK here until yesterday morning so that must have been the sharpest, all the magnolia petals turned brown and the tips of the buddlia are hanging down. Fruit trees are not out yet - thank goodness.
    Have a good day

    1. I think the flamenco has escaped - the blossom wasn't out and they are more protected in bud, aren't they.
      What a shame about your magnolia - they are so lovely.

  3. Looks like your fig will recover, I would just leave it and see. I have a young New Zealand myrtle, which is meant to be hardy to -5 but got caught last Spring and went all brown apart from the lowest tier of leaves. I was all for cutting it all off but was advised to leave it and wait and see if it shoots again, and it did! I also learnt my lesson and fleeced it for the last two days! It was an impulse buy and had I realised at the time that it was that tender I wouldn't have bought it.

    Good to hear Beth is improving, fingers crossed the tests start showing negative soon.

    1. Do you think so? Oh, that's good, thank you. I'm glad your myrtle survived. Wait and see will be my policy!

  4. We had rain first thing but the sun is out now and it's warmer than it has been.

    I do hope Beth continues to improve and can put this bout behind her. It sounds like you have a busy, but very pleasant day planned and hope you enjoy yourself. xx

    1. We have had some sun but the clouds have returned. It is what it is.
      Thanks very much.

  5. I do hope your fig pulls through. Frost is a very strange thing.

    God bless.

    1. Indeed it is - annoying too. I think the plant itself is OK, it's just the new little leaves. Time will tell and maybe I should make sure I am better prepared for frost in the future. :-)

  6. Sorry about the plant. I hope it bounces back. Glad that Beth is on the mend and Alex remains negative. Isn't it strange how it affects different people differently?

    1. It really is. We fully expected Al to catch it although, being autistic, he has been thoroughly methodical about disinfecting, masking, etc, and the only room they have shared is the bathroom.
