Wednesday 20 April 2022


 Good morning.  It's just getting light so early days but yesterday wasn't a bad day weather wise.  It clouded over and was pretty dull for a while but then the sun emerged again.  Oddly, I felt quite chilly come the evening which could have been me or the weather . . .

 I did something I've been planning to do for quite a long time and that's arrange a trip to Castle Headingham (or should that be Headingham Castle?).  It's not open all the time and I've booked one of their Bluebell Walk days
It's a Norman keep, a bit north of Braintree so not the closest place in the world but not too unreasonable a journey either.   It's pretty much the same route as I look on Thursday and back yesterday but I am going to take the opportunity to work out the route through Braintree rather than round which should be quicker abs certainly less distance.  Braintree is one of these annoying places with one way systems in the centre which I have never been able to work out!  Maybe it's time to be a big girl and get it sorted.

I found I was missing a few things from my shop on Monday so I popped out to M&S and Aldi and topped up.  I stopped off at a nice little eating place in Writtle called Robyn's Nest, to book a table, as Chris and I are having lunch out tomorrow rather than our usual ten o'clock chat.  I'm looking forward to that.

I attacked the garden and dealt with this and that both front and back.  I can't say it's looking tidy, not with all the bulb die-back but it's a lot better and it was nice to see some summer things coming up now.  The clematis has a few flower buds and the strawberries have a few flowers.  Nice.

I'm off out early today as John and Gina are at Dad's for the week and I'm joining them today for some heavy lifting and more sorting out.  Also, the people buying the house are coming round and it will be nice to put faces to names.  I want to leave pretty early, between rush hour and milk run, if possible.  Breakfast and lunch are both prepped and in the fridge.  I just have to remember to take them with me!
I'm not sure how many more times I will do this journey now.  

Right, better get on.  Have a lovely day, everyone, and I hope the sun shines for you.  xx


  1. Hope it's a good day, Joy, and the new owners will hopefully be good caretakers of your parents' precious house full of memories. xx

    1. I'm sure they will look after it well. I saw the ad for their current home and the inside is beautiful. Thanks, Sooze. xx

  2. It is shining now Joy after a massive thunderstorm and downpour which lasted from 6 am to midday. Everything looks bright and shiny and washed clean...lovely :-) It's been so interesting to read your previous posts about all the places you have been visiting lately. Headingham Castle ,the best preserved Norman keep in England so Google says. That'll be another engaging post I look forward to reading about. Did you manage to get to Sutton Hoe? keep well. Amanda x

    1. I love sunshine after a downpour - as you say, everything is clean and shiny! Headingham does look interesting, doesn't it? I think it is a visit I will enjoy.
      Sutton Hoo is on the list for my next jolly at the end of May when I have some time at Southwold. It's not too far from there and I am very much looking forward to it.

  3. I hope today's visit to your parent's home went well and that you're not feeling too exhausted.

    When is your bluebell walk?

    1. I'm shattered but it was a very good day so shattered is fine. :-)
      The walk is near the beginning of May so they should still be lovely.

  4. Must have been lovely out in the garden. We are finally seeing some new growth bursting forth. Enjoy your lunch with Chris - wish it was me!

    1. It was very pleasant out there, thanks.
      A meet up would be nice - maybe, one day - you never know. :-)

  5. I've never been to that castle, but I've seen pictures and it looks lovely.

    Glad things are coming along with Dad's house. My sister said things are plodding along with Mum's flat, but I expect she will be a little glad when it is done as she is the one having to go to over there a couple of times a week to check on things.

    1. I think it will be interesting. I love a bit of history, as I guess you will have noticed.
      Is your mum's estate close to being settled? We are lucky in that there are some very good friends there who are more than keeping an eye on the place. It is still quite a responsibility though.
