Saturday 23 April 2022


Good morning, everyone.  Another rather dull start to the day but it doesn't look like rain.  Mind you, me saying that makes it almost certain sure to rain at some point, such is my record on weather prediction!  

Not being funny and I know it's several weeks ago, but I wonder if I m still feeling a few after affects of the dreaded C.  I get very weary very quickly during the day.  Does anyone else find this?  Or am I being a bit of a snowflake?

Yesterday was such a day.  I was fine until after SW group and then it hit and I rested for the rest of the day, between tidying a few corners for the cleaners.  I really just couldn't face the allotment (that sounds pathetic but . . .) so I didn't go!

SW was a good meeting and I came away with fresh determination.  Yes, I have gained over the last few weeks but I have known, and expected, a fair bit more so it wasn't as depressing as it could have been.  At Jen's suggestion, I am keeping a diary for the week, just as you do for the first four weeks when you join and I can already feel it is helping quite a lot.

I've just popped out into the garden (bit chilly) to take a few photos.

Blossom from my new miniature Braeburn apple 'tree'.  Maybe it will bear some fruit this year - that would be very nice.
Faithful old geranium!  I dug out some of the roots but you can't tell, it's very vigorous!
The strawberries are looking promising
So are the autumn fruiting raspberries.
And this is weird.  I have never planted bluebells in the middle bed and I have never had any before but this year I have a couple coming up.  Have they reverted from some of the white bells I am trying to get rid of?  Does anyone know if it is a thing?

I have bluebells along my front strip but they are our native bluebells, which don't spread all that much.  The ones at the back look like the 'other' kind, the invasive, don't-encourage-them kind.
I'll give them a few days to open properly and then take a good look.  If they are not native, they have to go, sadly.  

Today, all being well, I will be going into town to meet up with others from the SW group for our fortnightly walk and chat.  I'm looking forward to that.  Then we will see how I feel.  Tomorrow is a big day for me and my 'children' are taking me out for afternoon tea so I want to be bright and breezy for that.  I don't feel nearly seventy and I don't think I look it either, but I have to accept that things are starting to - er - wear out!

Have a lovely day, whatever your plans and whatever the weather.  Take care, be safe and happy.  xx


  1. It started sunny here but grey now - very cold wind.
    Have a good day, rest up and get ready for your big day tomorrow. It must be your birthday!

    1. Indeed it is - a new decade too. Ouch! :-)

  2. Its definitely getting colder here although no rain yet garden could definitely do with a bit of rain. All my friends who have had covid say that it takes ages to get back to your 'normal self'and all the current news doesn't help. Take things easy today and enjoy your big day tomorrow Happy Birthday!

    1. I think it must be post covid stuff. It's not normal for me - not like that, anyway.
      Thank you. xx

  3. Such lovely things growing in your garden. If the pollen inside the bells is blue then it's the invasive, Spanish, type, which also cross-breeds with the English ones. You may have had the seeds in the ground that developed into bulblets, don't know how long that would take.

    Enjoy your 'looking forward to tomorrow' day! ;-)

    1. I knew about the different shapes, I didn't know about blue pollen - thank you very much.
      And thank you for your good wishes too. xx

  4. Happy birthday for tomorrow, Joy, how lovely to be taken out for afternoon tea to celebrate....enjoy. xx

    1. Thank you, dear Sooze. I'm sure it will be lovely and I can't wait - but will have to. lol

  5. Both my husband and I have had Covid and yes the tiredness lasts a long time. It was more apparent with my husband as I have fatigue anyway. Take it easy and only do what is the most urgent like your birthday tomorrow, you can't or shouldn't put that off. Happy Birthday!

    1. Thanks for the info Joan. I hope you and your husband are feeling much better now.
      And thank you for the good wishes too.

  6. Happy Birthday for tomorrow and I hope you have a lovely time with your children.

    Friends and family all say that it took them weeks after their first negative tests to fully recover from Covid, so please be kind to yourself, listen to your body and rest up when you need to. xx

    1. Thanks, Eileen.
      That's what I'm doing - it feels 'right', if you know what I mean. A bit frustrating but if I overdo it, I start aching all over and that's really not nice. :-)
      Thank goodness I am able to rest - something to be thankful for.

  7. I think lots of people are feeling tired after covid, which is only to be expected. In days past everyone was encouraged to have a convalesce period after an illness where as these days you're expected to be up and running right away.. take it easy and enjoy just watching the garden grow for a day or two.

    1. I will - that sounds very restful and pleasant. xx

  8. Happy Birthday and welcome to the 70's. I didn't imagine you were that age yet from how active you are and your writings. A person is as old as they feel I believe. Some days I am 50 and some days I am 90 lol. Hopee the tiredness goes away soon. Take care. XXXXX

    1. lol - exactly right, Maureen!! Thank you.

  9. Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 70s! May you enjoy your day with the family.

    I will say that I have definitely been more tired since my second negative test on March 30th, so I think you may be right about the fatigue. I don't remember being this tired when I actually had Covid.

    (Hoping blogger decides to post this one--noticing sometimes my comments don't show up.)

    1. It posted - how odd that they don't always. Blogger can be weird at times.
      I hope we both feel brighter again soon.

  10. I think that might be a hyacinth. Mine look a bit like that when they start to open.

    1. That's a thought - I will have another look at it later. Thanks

  11. Snow storm here on the southeast portion of my province.

    Our sons were very tired for weeks after their bouts of Covid.

    God bless.

    1. Oh, Jackie - and April is nearly over too. It this normal?
      By the way, I realised I don't follow your blog - so sorry - so I have just clicked follow and look forward to reading.

  12. Have a lovely tea with your children and Happy Birthday!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I'm sure I will.

  13. Beautiful plants.

    I think you're probably right about the tiredness and Covid.

    Happy Birthday to you! Hope you had a lovely day.

    1. It's Sunday morning here now and the tea is this afternoon. I'm so looking forward to it. :-)

  14. Happy birthday, welcome to the 70's!, Hope you enjoy your afternoon tea.

    1. Thanks, Liz. Or - as I might call it - the sixty tens! lol. You have a great day too. xx
