Friday 22 April 2022


Good morning, everyone.  After probably the nicest day of the year so fat yesterday, there's a bit of a change today.  It's cloudy and not that warm; Beeb says there will be sunshine but not a lot and the temperature will be a fair bit lower than yesterday.  Oh, well, can't have it all and they don't always get it right.

Yesterday was nice.  I got housework and ironing done before lunch with Chris.  We sat out in the garden behind Robyn's Nest and had a thoroughly good chat together.  We've decided it would be nice to do this once a month - not May though, as we're both rather busy later in the month.

Tuition went fine, as always.  Just two sessions to go now.

And that was about it.  I've slept well but still feel rather weary but apart from Slimming World this morning, there's not all that much happening.  I have to get the house ready for the cleaner and I might pop down to the allotment, cut back the raspberry canes as the new growth is now coming up and plan a course of action over the next two weeks which look to be a lot easier than that last two weeks have been.

Have a super day, everyone.  I hope you have more sun than here at the moment and that everything goes well for you


  1. It's a bit cloudy here this morning too, but I'm hoping it will warm up a little. I want to do a bit in the garden today.
    Have a lovely day x

    1. We've had a little bit of sunshine but it is much chillier than the last week has been. Not to worry . . . it could be worse. :-)

  2. It's much the same weather here and it's trying to rain. I hope your SW weigh in isn't too disheartening for you. Hopefully all the extra physical activity at the allotment over the next few weeks should help you with your weight loss. xx

    1. It was a shocker but it is what it is. I'm filling in a diary to take next week for Jen to see. Maybe that will help me keep on track.
      I hope you don't get much rain.

  3. It's quite a bright sunny day here, but we still have that really chilly wind. You have to sit still in JUST the right spot to get any warmth from the sun.

    I hope you got on okay at Slimming World, but whatever the figures you will no doubt be back on track before you know it.

    1. It's rather dull here most of the time and I'm remaining tucked up at home, being a snowflake at heart.
      Thanks - what an encourager you are. I hope things are good for you too. xx

  4. I feel your sadness packing up your parents home. when I had to do it after the Aunt that brought me up died, it tugged at my heart strings having to depose of belongings that had been considered treasures. But lots of laughs too, a tin labelled, ' bits of string too small too small use!' Lovely the new buyers seemed so nice.

    1. Oh, that's so funny! I can just see Mum having something like that with just such a label. In fact she had a whole drawer filled with bits of cord tied together to maker longer lengths.
      It is so hard, isn't it, but it has to be done.

  5. It is cloudy and misty here right now and we are battening down for our coming snow storm.

    God bless.

    1. Oh, my goodness - a snow storm? I do hope it isn't too bad or long lasting and that you are OK.
