Wednesday 31 March 2021


 Good morning.  Yesterday's weather was gorgeous and today looks like being similar.

Two pieces of good news from yesterday.

The first is that I have tiny baby tomatoes - plants, I mean, not fruit!  I'm trying seven different varieties this year, different colours and types.  I should have room for three of each kind at home and definitely one of each kind at the allotment, more if there are convenient spaces for them.  Any spares can be given away to neighbours and friends.

The second is that from April 12th the Heart and Sole local walks resume.  There are a few restrictions - distancing, masks at start and finish, but how great is that!  I will have a good look at the new timetable and see what I can fit in.

I have a new project (apart from the jumper, that is).  Beth sent me over a photo of a cat cushion and asked if I could make it using more of my stash.  Here's the photo and there's also a couple of YouTube clips showing some of the finer details of making up.
I want Beth to buy the pattern anyway, which is from Etsy (supporting small businesses, etc), and I will have a go.

At the allotment yesterday, I got the strawberry plants into the raised bed, added the mulch mats and even remembered to put the netting over.  They're all ready to go now and those perky birds should be frustrated (not to mention the cat!).

I also spread some of the contents of a bag of chicken poo which is supposed to be great for feeding the soil.  Later on in the week I want to give all the dug over beds another digging, but to keep it nice and 'ready'.
I did a spot of weeding as well - never ending, that is.

In the afternoon, I had an unexpected visitor.  First of all Chris came round as planned and we had a grand time together over a cuppa.  I was just carrying the mugs in after Chris had gone when who should turn up unannounced but Jackie!  So another cuppa tea later, I booted her out (nicely) and logged on for my planned online chat with Dad.
Seriously, I don't think I have spoken so much since the first lockdown started and I ended up quite croaky.  It was lovely though.
I've arranged to go over to Jackie's on Friday morning so something to look forward to.

Today is another busy day.  
Today's allotment task is mowing and strimming the grass.  It does need doing again - the rain and the warmer temperatures have caused a growth spurt.  That's before breakfast.  The time change means that I now wake up just before seven - absolutely perfect for me although it does mean that I'm not getting my blogs up super-early any more.
Then I'm going over to Lindsey's new home for the first face to face personal training session since October.  Should be good and I'm longing to see her new house (from the outside).
And finally, in the afternoon, Val is coming over for a face to face garden chat.  I'm so looking forward to that too.

So, as I said, a busy day but a very pleasant one.  Lovely!  Wishing the same for you too.  xx


  1. Love the cat cushion and their tails.

    What a couple of good chatting days you are having! Enjoy todays warmth while it's here

    1. It's gorgeous, isn't it, and actually seems to be a lot easier to make than it actually looks. I have said I won't start it until I have finished the last blanket I'm making, so there's an incentive to finish!

  2. I do like that cat cushion.

    Glad your enjoyed chats with your friends xx

    1. Thanks, Eileen! It's rather cute, isn't it?

  3. The cushion is fantastic and I'm sure you'll enjoy crocheting it. X

    1. It's cute, isn't it? I've done a practise and there's nothing too tricky there, really.
