Friday 5 March 2021


 Morning, everyone.  It's Friday, end of the week, and it's a cold and frosty morning, perfect for dancing round the Mulberry Bush!
Actually, I've just looked out and the sun has faded somewhat, sadly.  Beeb says sunny intervals and a gentle breeze and it's not all that warm with a max of 6C.  

Yesterday passed without incident, at least in my home it did.  I had the chat with Chris, very enjoyable as always, and the Slimming World Zoom meeting was really good.  There's usually about thirteen of us there which is a good number.  Enough to gets lots of different ideas, etc, but not so many that it has to rush along.

In between times, I just got along with stuff which is exactly what I will be doing today until about eleven when I have my delayed personal training.  No twinges from the back this morning so I think everything is back to what passes for normal round here.

Straight after PT, I have a quick Zoom chat with Jackie and then the cleaners will arrive at some point in the afternoon and that's about it for the day so I'll see how warm it feels and maybe get those poor old neglected beans planted.  I have noticed that those canny allotment holders who planted theirs in November already have plantlets around ten to twenty cms tall, lucky them.

Have a super day, stay safe and warm and be happy.  xx


  1. No frost here today and it looks like sunshine. Hope the back is OK after your workout. I am giving my muscles a rest today after 3 days of lifting Master Freddie up and down!

    1. Fingers crossed - enjoy your rest, I'm sure it will help.

  2. Glad your back is feeling better today and hope you can get down to the allotment to get beans planted. Looks like it will be dry in this small corner, so washing on the line and some pottering in the garden is in order. Have a good day x

    1. I have washing out too. No idea if it will dry but it's in the fresh air! xx

  3. You never know that to do with beans what to do for the best, sometimes putting them in in the Autumn for the following year just means you are feeding the squirrels and other wildlife who dig them up, yours will catch up if you plant them late don't worry. I got later and later with each year and the plants always did well.

    Reading your post made me realise that I spoke to no-one yesterday ... well except for Suky of course, the days are strange at the moment and yet the time seems to be going past so quickly.

    1. This is very true - we planted them pretty late last year but still got a fair old crop for such a small number of plants.
      The days can be very strange, can't they. It sounds odd, not talking to anyone, but we've kind of become accustomed to silence a bit more, I think
      Hoping Suky is continuing to feel better.

  4. It's cold here at 5° and I got rather chilled during my walk, but the chance to be in the fresh air was good.

    I'm glad to hear your back isn't troubling you so hope the PT goes well and that you get to plant the beans as well.

    1. It's been jolly cold all day! I did the P T but no planting. Instead, I have done some good loads of washing, dried on the line and have the ironing to do this evening.
      Maybe tomorrow . . .

  5. It's been good, thanks. Even the personal training hasn't set anything off, thankfully. I do feel a lot better for having moved a bit more too.
    I'm sorry the positives of the meds are wearing off again. As you say, disheartening.
