Sunday 28 March 2021


 Good morning.  Did you remember to put the clocks forward.  Thanks to Diane's timely reminder yesterday (and others too) I was prepared.   Longer evenings - lovely!
It's a dull start to British Summer Time though.  Not damp, just dull and there's a stiff breeze at times.

I ended up making a list of what I wanted to do yesterday.  That's the trouble with being a bit the worse for wear - things don't get done and they build up.

I got all the washing and all the drying but the ironing is now mountains high and I will need to tackle that this evening.
Still, happiness is . . . 

. . . a line full of whites on a sunny day!

Happiness is also arranging a face to face get together with dear friends (one at a time) in my garden next Tuesday and Wednesday - the weather looks great and we are allowed to from tomorrow.  It feels so good but I am hoping people will be sensible and not bend those rules too far.
I've done my best to remain cheerful and appreciative of things like Messenger and Zoom but being able to do some face to face has lifted my spirits immeasurably.

And happiness is planting seeds/bedding plants.  Six of the strawberry plants are now in their home and I've pinched out a few early flowers so all their strength can go into settling into their new home.  And I have not fifty but sixty baby corn seeds planted.
The growing total at the moment is the same as before:  four cucumbers, six courgettes, loads of sweet peas!
Today I think I will sow the mange tout.  It says sow where they are to grow but I know you can get mange tout bedding plants from the garden centre so I'm starting them off at home - partly to foil those voracious pigeons and partly because I can!

Today, being Sunday, is support bubble day.  In other words, Beth and Al are round for lunch.  I'm doing a roast chicken today with some posh dried stuffing that ought to be used, some cranberry sauce made with frozen cranberries and the usual - roasties, roast parsnips, sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and a med veg bits and bobs sort of thing - leek, onion, red pepper, courgette, mushroom and chopped tomatoes, all simmered together with garlic and seasonings until good and thick.  A sort of ratatouille, I suppose.

I'm hoping Beth will take a trip down to the allotment with me this afternoon.  That rhubarb bed so needs weeding!  If not, that's tomorrow morning's task.

Have a lovely day, whatever your plans.  Stay safe and be happy.  xx


  1. Love love your blog. Keep writing...

    1. Aw, thanks so much, Brenda. I do enjoy rabbiting on! :-)

  2. I love to see sheets blowing on the line but it's dark and wet here today so mine will have to wait.
    Enjoy your day with Beth and Al. X

    1. I think they're such a cheering sight - your turn will come. xxz

  3. You have inspired me and I'm currently debating about which vegetables I want to have a go at growing in pots. So far I have green beans, tomatoes, and salad bits like radishes, spring onions and salad leaves.

    Have a lovely time with Beth and Alex today xx

    1. Maybe you could try some leeks - they are quite easy, I think.

  4. Enjoy your lovely lunch with Beth and Alex! It is raining here today but we should have sunnier weather in the week ahead. Fingers crossed!

    1. Fingers crossed for some good weather for you.

  5. No sun here today in fact quite chilly. I am missing planting seeds as we're moving. I hope I'll be able to buy plants when we do move eventually.

    1. I'm sure you will and you have an new garden to plan for - that's exciting.

  6. Seeing the sheets flapping in the breeze so brings back memories of my Mum :-) Hope you are feeling better now. keep well Amanda x

  7. It was very pleasant, thanks.

  8. So much to be joyful about there. Sunshine on the sheets is cause for joy. Oh, and you've reminded me I have cranberries in the freezer which I ought to be using. One of many reasons I am glad I popped by.
