Wednesday 17 March 2021


 Good morning, all.  It's too early to see how the day is likely to turn out but at least it's dry!  Yesterday turned out very variable; one minute it was sunny and then pouring rain, all with a gusty breeze.  Beeb says today should be dry but not much mention of sun.  Oh, well, I don't really have time to go out anyway and maybe the wind will dry out the grass so tomorrow I can give the allotment a haircut.  There is other stuff to do there but I'm keeping most of it for next week as Beth is off work next week and wants to come and help there as well.

I trotted off into town at around half nine and queued outside the bank.  Spoke to the lady filtering waiting customers who said 'change the battery'.  When I said I couldn't get it open, she asked if I had the screwdriver with me.  Er - no, not something I usually bring on shopping trips.  She suggested I try again (grrrrr) and come back if it really was stuck (grrrr) and, in the meanwhile, there is an online PIN sentry gizmo on the app.
Not terribly helpful but she did it so nicely!
When I got home I had another go and no luck.  However, I did get the app up and running and now have access to my account.  I wonder if the PIN sentry code I get on the phone will then work to open my account on the PC.  Must try it at some point.

While I was there, I had a walk around, not that there was very much to see, and went into Wilkinsons as Beth had mentioned that she was getting some slate plate mats and I was sure I had seen some in Wilko's.  I was right, there were some, so I got them for her and I also found some water retaining crystals (for the tomato pots) and some nice, strong garden refuse sacks.

I finally actually got round to getting my hands dirty and sowed the sweet pea, cucumber and courgette seeds.  More than needed of each because some don't ever germinate and it's nice to have some to give away, either to friends or to leave by the shop at the allotment for anyone else to take.

I'll sow the tomatoes next week.  Usually I stick to just a couple of kinds, always sungolds and something a bit bigger and redder but last year I had a greater variety and it was lovely so this year I'm trying:
sungolds (always)
gardener's delight
golden sunrise (large, yellow)
candy tots (sweet cherry
and I realise I don't have anything plummy so I must pop back to the garden centre and have a look (oh, the hardship)

I'll do the baby corn next week too.  

I had a short but reassuring chat with Dad.  Maybe it is only a couple of months before I can drive up and see him again - I think we are both looking forward to this no end.

Today, being Wednesday, is quite busy.  I might pop over to Beth's this morning and get going on her back bed - she doesn't have a garden as it's flats but she has a little patch of soil which needs a bit of work.  Now she's working full time she is either busy or very tired so I've offered to help out a bit.

Just before midday, it is the weekly personal training session with Lindsey.  I enjoy these to much, not only because of the exercise but because we have a jolly good chat at the same time.

Not long after that, it's the weekly chat with Val.  I'll be all chatted out, won't I?

Well, better get the day started.  Another coffee, I think, and some kitchen work.  Take care, everyone, be good and stay safe.  xx  :-)


  1. Replies
    1. Will you be able to do a bit of later soring/planting?

  2. Brrrr - it must feel so very cold but I bet the views are stunning.

  3. I find it really strange that you'd need a screwdriver to open the pin sentry. We have three of them and two have sliders for the battery and the other a drawer on the edge.

    1. When I read this, I had to go and check again and, yes, it needs the screw undoing.

  4. I've never even looked for a battery on my card reader! My French bank has a phone app which is really handy both for accessing my account and verifying online purchases.

    1. I will be using mine too, now I know it's there, but I do want another 'real' one too.

  5. I don't have a card reader for my bank account. I just access my info/complete transactions either using my laptop or using the app on my phone. Does the reader provide an additional level of security or something?

  6. Confused! This not something we have to deal with here. I presume it is some kind of high tech ATM.

    1. Not that high tech really. It's just when I want to get into my online account or make a new payment, it gives another layer of protection. It's OK until it stops working!

  7. What a nuisance about your PIN sentry. I hope you manage to get something sorted. X

    1. I have done, thanks, Jules. What would be do without our mobile phones, eh?

  8. Chatting is good for the soul xx glad you got things sorted. Toy will be smothered in tomatoes!

    1. It certainly is. I love my chats online.
