Wednesday 16 December 2020


 Good morning, everyone.  What a beautiful day yesterday was, such a contrast to Monday and the weekend.  Wall to wall sunshine - proper sunshine, not that hazy, misty substitute we so often get in winter.

I did my Santa delivery and was pleased to find Dad well and cheerful.  I came home with sprouts picked from his garden which were delicious.

When I got home, there was a parcel.  Being hard of hearing, I have a few gizmos to help me and one of them is a small round-the-neck 'loop' type thing that connects with the telly so I can hear properly without deafening the neighbours.  The one I had was becoming somewhat unreliable so I had an online discussion with Dad, Googled, Amazoned, chose and ordered on Amazon Prime.

It took about fifteen minutes to set up, including actually getting the parcel open and I'm really happy with the sound quality.  Definitely a Good Buy.

Despite the fact that we're now tier three, today is a bit busier.  I have an online chat with Val followed by personal training.  In the afternoon, if possible, I want to do a bit more Santa delivery, local this time and I really ought to do some housework too. 
Alex should be going home around lunch time.

I did say 'a bit busier', not 'busy'!!  lol

Today's musical Advent calendar entry is a beautiful and gentle lullaby carol, another that I sang in the Madrigal Group/Chapel Choir at school.   Such very happy memories.
Sing Lullaby (The Infant King), sung by the Choir of Kings College, Cambridge (again!)

And another rendering, sung by the amazing Libera, just because it is such a beautiful carol and worth hearing more than once.


  1. Lovely carol, beautifully sung by Libera. Our U3A Scottish Dance tutors couple have a grandson that sings in Libera. I think he's one of the older boys. Libera performed in Brighton a couple of years ago and unfortunately I couldn't make it.

    1. That's a shame - they o sound simply amazing, don't they?

  2. Good morning Joy. Lovely sunshine here today and the wind has blown itself out...thank goodness. Could you give me the name of the product you bought on Amazon,please. Sr P does like to stay up late occasionally watching football...he is also hard of hearing so turns the volume up!! I haven't had complaints from the neighbours as yet but it certainly bugs me )-: Glad your Dad is managing well. keep well Amanda x

    1. It only works if you have a T switch on your hearing aids. This is the one I got.
      Hope it helps.

    2. Many thanks I will check it out!! A X

  3. I couldn't actually say what tier I'm in. I think I'd better go check.
    I'm glad that you're able to hear the TV properly now. X

    1. :-) Might be a good idea to know. < chuckle >

  4. It widdled down today but was quite warm. We've been tier three for a while but as I am more than happy to stay home it has barely affected me

    1. It's not affecting me all that much either. I guess I wouldn't have driven over to Dad's if I'd been planning to go yesterday but that's about it really. Because both my 'children' are 'vulnerable', I've maybe taken more care generally.
