Tuesday 22 December 2020


 Good morning!  The Beeb was right; we had rain and drizzle, drizzle and rain, and it felt chilly.  I ended up with T shirt, jumper and cardigan on top and I still felt cold!  Not nice.  Thankfully, the sun came out later on and this morning feels much milder.

I had a nice, busy time in the kitchen.  The stuffing is now frozen in the dish in which I will cook it, snuggling beside a bag of savoury crumble topping.  I gave the fridge a good old sort out (much needed) so it is now as organised as it is ever going to be with room for the extras including the turkey.  I used the scraps from the beef to make a nice beef meat paste thingy and I made a chicken curry to do two meals.
Busy busy!

Today I'm off out first thing.  I have to be at the opticians at nine fifteen to pick up my new glasses so will do my last Christmas shop in Sainsbury's, which is under the same roof.  That was the plan originally because I expected crowds later on but now I just don't know how busy it will be - it might be dreadful if people are panic buying or having to feed themselves over Christmas when they didn't expect to have to.  I'd prefer to get it all done and dusted good and early so want to be there before eight.

I have a list of things to get for Beth as well, so she will be coming over around ten to pick her things up and, I hope, have a coffee and chat as well.

Then, later on this afternoon, I'm hoping to have a nice chat with Dad.  That's my day as far as diary stuff is concerned and I also hope to get a load of washing done, dried, ironed and away and I might make a spicy fruit loaf, the same basic recipe as the stollen but without the marzipan because there's none left now.

Today's Advent calendar music is two carols that, as a child, I always linked together in my mind, probably because of the choruses.

Ding dong, merrily on high, sung by Libera.

and 'Angels from the realms of glory, from King's College Choir.


  1. We don't have much Christmas shopping to do, we are trying to eat down the contents of the freezer for hopefully moving. The most important thing we do need is a couple of bags of dog food and some treats for them, they do like to have a 'bone' to chew on when we have our meals each day. To them all treats are known as 'bones' so I guess they never know what to expect :-)

    I dread calling into Tesco for some bread though as there WILL be people out panic buying, why the powers that be even mentioned that there is to be a shortage of some things I have no idea, how much easier it would have been just to NOT mention it and let everyone go about their shopping as usual and only notice gaps on shelves as they appeared.

    1. It felt quite busy early this morning but there were no checkout queues and everyone was being determinedly polite, cheerful and patient. It was tiring but OK. I only saw Christmas shopping, not any panic buying.

  2. It made me laugh when Boris asked people to shop as they normally would at Christmas and not panic buy - I guess he's never seen the amount people normally buy!

    I've just got back from making my last delivery of cards and pressies so I'm ready and won't need to go out again. I hope it wasn't too busy in Sainsbury's when you went, and that the new glasses fitting was trouble free. Enjoy chatting with your Dad xx

    1. As if he would know anyway. I wonder if he's ever done a serious food shop. It was OK thanks and I have half my new glasses.

  3. There's just bread and milk left for me to buy. Oh, and some sticky tape to replace what I've used this year.
    Fortunately, the supermarkets have been fine here. No crowding and plenty of produce on the shelves. X

    1. It does make me wonder if much of this 'panic buying' is a tabloid creation - and not a nice one,

  4. I am done! Went shopping this morning and thank heavens I did. Seems that by the afternoon the stores were packed according to our son.

    I hope your trip was uneventful.

    God bless.

    1. It all went fine, thanks. All done now!

  5. Sounds like quite a day! It was crazy shopping here. Except for the masks you would think nothing is wrong. BTW I LOVE the cross stitch banner - looks fantastic!

    1. Thank you. I'm pleased with how it looks.
