Saturday 26 December 2020

Boxing Day

 Good morning, everyone.  Today is the day of clearing up, dealing with leftovers and re-heated meals.  It's cold but there's no frost, unlike yesterday afternoon when Beth had to defrost her windscreen.  Five hours later, in the dark, there was no frost so it must have warmed up a bit.  

The forecast for today is OK and it should be warmer by seven or eight degrees by the evening.  However, tomorrow is predicted to be really horrible; strong winds and heavy rain is not something we need!

Yesterday was a lovely day.  The turkey cooked a dream, the roasties were scrummy and dinner was thoroughly enjoyed.

(please excuse the light; the sun was so bright I closed the blinds - no complaints)

As is always the case, there's loads of leftovers.  Some are deliberate - I purposely did loads of veg for bubble and squeak - and some are just because we didn't have it yesterday.  No mince pies or Christmas Pud was eaten so that's today's dessert sorted out.

The family Zoom chat worked a treat.  The quality was good, everyone came along and it was so lovely to see everyone together (sort of).  There was plenty of laughter and it all did my heart good.  Later, Dad said in an email that he's expected to feel a lonely but he didn't, not a bit, thanks to neighbour Ann in the morning (coffee and mince pie) and the family chat in the afternoon.  I just wish I'd though of pressing the PrtScr button and got a screen shot of us all.  I just never thought at the time.

Today, Beth and Al are over again.  There's a whole lot of food to eat up and some food to sort out so they can take it home with them.  We have games to play and stuff to drink.
Getting back on track will have to wait until tomorrow!

Hoping your day was good too.  xx


  1. Splendid table. I do like to see a well dressed table. So inviting! What I do like are those Christmas tree dishes and the Christmassy plates too. It is sunny but really frosty here....there's an icy hint of something in the air. Brr!! Off to get a cuppa tea and my yoghurt breakfast! Quiet but nice Christmas Day for us thanks. Several video chats on Messenger and Whatsapp to see the family here ,UK and Australia. Thanks be to internet!! enjoy :-) Amanda x

    1. I've picked up bits and pieces over the year, whenever I see something I like, so it's all a bit disconnected but nice. I just have three Spode Christmas Tree dinner plates and there were three of us so - why not!
      Isn't the Internet wonderful? It can be a really positive force.

  2. Leftovers, especially bubble and squeak, make the best meals. I did extra veg yesterday and will also do extra today for exactly that reason.

    It's lovely to read your Dad's comment about his day, and it must have cheered you. I hope you enjoy your day with Beth, Alex and the games!

    1. Leftovers are the best part, I reckon! I have been dealing with the turkey and there's loads - lovely!
      It did cheer me up, I was so pleased it helped. I know it helped me.

  3. Your Christmas table looks lovely, Joy. I'm so happy you were able to spend the day together with Beth and Alex.
    I usually make biryani on Boxing Day, but this year I will need to use up all the leftovers instead. X

    1. I'm having a turkey and veg curry today (Sunday) and really looking forward to it.

  4. Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas Day, Joy. We awoke to four inches of snow and stayed in all day as roads were icy. It was quiet with just the two of us and we enjoyed family phone calls and FaceTimes throughout the day. All in all it was a wonderful Christmas day!

    1. I am so glad it was such a lovely day for you. Snow too - fantastic! We're so lucky to be able to keep in touch with loved ones all over the world.

  5. Oooh, your table is set out so beautifully, the best I've seen on my blog hopping travels. To my shame I have to admit that we ate with ours on our laps watching Early Man and then the Queen. A very casual Christmas indeed!

    1. What an absolutely lovely thing to say. I did enjoy setting it out - normally there isn't nearly as much room so I can't pretty it all up much.
      Thank you so much.

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