Friday 25 September 2020


Good morning, everyone.  Today's font is 'Artifika' and it's a bit like a handwriting style that used to be taught in schools (apart from the a and the g); sort of slightly italic-y and very 'square'.  I rather like this one but, please, do shout out if it causes any problems with clarity.

It's raining at the moment but much of yesterday was gorgeously sunny although really rather cold.  I opened the French windows to let in some sunshiny air and didn't keep them open very long, sadly.  Maybe today will cheer up later on.

I had a lovely chat with Jackie over lunch yesterday.  The soup (tomato and sweet potato) went down a real treat and there was none left.  We had a good look at the Warner's site and agreed that a holiday there together would be a Very Good Thing indeed.  You can ask for rooms next to each other, for a fee, of course, and there would be plenty for us to do.  So here's hoping!

Tuition was super.  My student was in a very cheerful mood and had brought some homework spellings so we could work on them.  By the end, they were all learnt so fingers crossed for the Friday test!

Then it was Slimming World group.  A pound on this week but that's fine - last week it was half a pound below the target, this week it is half a pound above.  I'm more than happy with that; slight fluctuations are normal and natural.

Today, amazingly, there are no commitments whatsoever in the diary.  It's a relief; I've been feeling very tired this week for some reason and a few days 'off' feels wonderful.  The cleaners are coming at some point, but that's not the same thing.  The place is reasonably tidy so they can work their magic without mess getting in their way.

There are, of course, Things To Do and maybe I will do some of them (I will make a list, gotta love a list) but the thought of a day doing not a lot feels, right at this moment, absolutely wonderful.  No plans for today, precious little for tomorrow and just a swim booked for Sunday.  Bliss.

Goodness, aren't I a lazy so-and-so!!  And you know what - I don't care.  I feel like I've been let out of school!
I have no idea why I feel like that because life truly isn't that hard at the worst of times, but it's rather nice.

Hoping you all have a lovely day too.  Stay dry, safe and happy.  xx


  1. I think you are the most "not lazy" person I know; your usual posts tire me out just reading them! I admire your energy and enthusiasm. Enjoy your quieter day.

    1. I feel lazy but they day is going really well. I've turned on the heating as it's jolly chilly outside and it's all very comfortable.

  2. I quite like this font - very easy to read!

    It's lovely when you have a few unplanned days isn't it? It feels like a real treat when it happens to me. Enjoy yourself, whatever you choose to do xx

    1. I like it too, very much. I am enjoying it, thanks - I hope you have a good day as well.

  3. Enjoy your 'lazy' day! That's one of the really good things about retirement, isn't it - we can do whatever we want, when we want (to a large extent). Or do nothing if we so choose! Xx

    1. Absolutely it is - and I'm making the most of it today! :-)

  4. I really like the font. Good luck with the holiday planning. I can't wait until I can get away! Luckily we are doing a camping cabin next week for a couple of nights and then in the middle of October another one. This will be the most I've been away this year. I have really missed it!

    1. It's been a very restricted year in many ways, hasn't it? Rather outside our experience in many ways. I've learnt to count my blessings.

  5. I really like this font. Very easily read.

    Glad that you had a lovely restful day with no commitments.

    God bless.

    1. It really is an easy font, I agree. Attractive to look at too, I think.
