Tuesday 8 September 2020


Good morning.

Yesterday's weather was rather nothing.  Not much sun, a bit chilly but it felt humid at times, a bit breezy . . . it dried the clothes OK so I guess I ought nor to complain.

It was a good drive home apart from getting stuck behind something wide and slow moving on a road with precious few passing places at the best of times.  In fact, one impatient idiot behind me nearly involved me and an oncoming car in a nasty accident by trying to overtake unsafely.  You really do get some nellies on the road at times!

Once home, all the bits and bobs took longer than I expected and I decided the allotment could wait as I wanted to sort out washing, planning, tomatoes . . . etc.  I'm glad I did because the washing basket is now empty, the ironing is all done (I felt energetic after the meal out and got it all done while catching up on weekend telly) and some of it was put away while the rest has aired and will go away this morning.

Tuition was great.  You can tell they are back at school again - they were alert and much more 'together' as far as learning is concerned.  We all enjoyed yesterday's sessions.

Then it was a rush to get changed and to meet Beth and Alex at the Hare.  We had a lovely time.  it was so nice to have the time and space to chat properly and to enjoy food together and the distancing thing was done very well indeed.  We felt 'safe'.

One of the things I did was upload a few sunset photos I took from my bedroom window at Dad's and here's one of them.

Another was to follow up on an impulse and look at various dehydrators on offer.  I used to have one but it wasn't great and was 'clumsy' to use.  They look as if they have improved significantly since then so I ended up getting one that wasn't the cheapest by a fair bit but also not too expensive, together with a basic book and some sachets of silica crystals which you pop in the jars with the dried food to absorb any residual moisture and keep the food good.
Being Amazon, it should arrive tomorrow and I will have a go with some of the allotment apples as we have so many!  Beth is quite keen to have a go at fruit leathers too which sounds fun.
Fingers crossed.

The above isn't quite as naughty as it sounds because I have just had a refund for something I'd booked to do in December that isn't now happening, sadly.  So it more than covered the cost.

On to today and it is a busy one.

After lockdown started, I started going early to the allotment and got loads done before the day had really started.  As my days seem to be getting busier now that tuition has restarted, I'm going to resume the early morning visits today so I want to be there by nine.

Then, after breakfast, I have aquacise booked; I'm looking forward to that and must remember to book next week's session which should be up by now. 

Then it will be home for shower, hair wash and lunch, to get tuition things set out and ready and then I'm hoping to be able to spend half an hour or so sorting out in the garage.

After tuition I will probably fall asleep!!!  :-)

So, a busy day but, I think, a very satisfying one.  I hope yours is also good.  xx


  1. Good luck with the dehydrator I had one once but it was cheap and useless so it went elsewhere. One year shiona was drowning in apples and we made apple juice by the steam method the only problem was it didn't keep long and needed to be in the fridge. If you have lots of cores and waste have a go at making cider vinegar its very easy and quite fun.

    1. The main problem with using cores is that most of them are 'invaded'. I don;t treat the tree for codling moth so they fruit all needs cutting up to avoid nasty surprises!
      I'm hoping this one, being a bit more expensive, will work a lot better than the previous one. We will see.

  2. I too had a big dehydrator at the smallholding - it took 10 times longer to dry anything than it said!
    Then I had a smaller one but not enough produce here to use so I just freeze stuff instead.
    Have a lovely day with all your plans - you are very busy

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :-)
      Yes, it's a busy day but a very satisfying one, I hope.

  3. What a beautiful sunset! Looks like those I see when I'm at Mum's. Really missed looking out her kitchen window this year. sigh.

    1. (((hugs))) I can empathise with that. You will, sometime in the future, be able to see that view again.

  4. The sunset is gorgeous.

    You are going to love the dehydrator. They are so much easier to use now.

    God bless.

    1. So it seems, yes. It arrived yesterday (Tuesday) and so far, so good.

  5. What a spectacular photo! I just washed my hair, too. My neighbor has a dehydrator, and she loves it.

    1. That sounds very encouraging, thank you! I'm hoping to get some good use out of it.
