Wednesday 21 March 2018


Good morning, everyone.  It's going to be a gorgeous day today after a gorgeous day yesterday.  Yes, it's cold, but it's so sunny and bright, it lifts my spirits.  Lovely.

I got remarkably little done yesterday - little housework, that is.  I did make inroads into my stitching though.  I did some errands, a bit of clearing and tidying, some paperwork and some cooking.

Today I have washing (drying and ironing), some clearing, some helping out at school, some planning and some tuition so I'm keeping this short so I can get going because I really don't want any of it to carry over until tomorrow.

Have a great day!


  1. It's a lovely day here, too, Joy. I love to be up early in spring, I love to wake up to the morning light, make coffee and just wander around the house while the lord and master of all he surveys is still asleep! Our snow has now gone except for small pockets of it in the garden and the edge of the grass, traffic has returned to the roads, and we might go for a walk today after being house-bound for several days, or even pop into our favourite sea front hotel for coffee. Retirement's not bad, is it!
    Margaret P

  2. Retirement is great! I wasn't sure how I would fill my days after such a busy life as a teacher but I have enough to do and, best of all, the pace of my life has slowed and I have time to enjoy and appreciate the world around me and the people in it.
    Even when I say I have a busy day, it is never, ever as packed with stuff as when I was working. I feel so much better, despite the health issues.

    Have a lovely walk. It's the day for it.
    J x

  3. I have now posted on my blog about our walk around Torquay harbour this morning, Joy, it was lovely. Even two magnolia trees coming into bloom along the Rock Walk.
    Yes, retirement is great! I gave up the 'day job' many years ago and even then I only worked part-time (in a Teachers' Centre which, of course, they don't have now - we used to mount INSET courses for teachers, and so forth) but since then I've been busy with my writing and more recently started my blog (in August 2016.)
    Margaret P

  4. Where is your blog, please, Margaret? Neither of the blogs under your name via the link will show me anything?
    J x

  5. My blog is: and it's called Devon Dreaming, Joy. That should find it.
    Margaret P

  6. Got it - thanks, Margaret!
    J x

  7. Thank you for searching for my blog, Joy. I've just seen your comment, thank you for that.
