Monday 26 March 2018


Good morning!

I once taught a song to my class that we performed in a Family Assembly:

Spring has sprung, the grass is riz.
I wonder where the birdies is.
Spring has sprung, the buds do break.
Spring has sprung and nature wakes
Spring has sprung, the winter's gone
And now we sing a happy song
Tra la la la la la lay
Sweep those old dead leaves away!

They enjoyed it, the parents enjoyed it, it was a very nice family assembly.

I was thinking about my plans this week.  Given that it is likely to stay fine most of the time, I want to give the garden a spring clean because, boy, does it need it!!

1.  Sweep away those old dead leaves and other gunk that has accumulated in corners, nooks and crannies.  Fortunately, my leaf vacuum thingy should make easy work of that.  It churns them all up too so maybe I can bag up the results and take it to the allotment.

2.  Clear away the old runners from the strawberry bed and pot up some of the rooted runners for the allotment.  I have pots and I have spare soil so no excuses.

3.  Move some of my planters around.  The two blueberries are leafing rather nicely and, as I have read about how much the birds like blueberries and given that I am trying to encourage birds back into the garden, I shall be buying a small 'cage' - a frame with netting - to put over them as soon as the fruit has set.  That means putting them somewhere more roomy.  I've also ordered some 'cage corners' so I can make my own cage for the strawberries, if necessary - it never has been yet but . . .

4.  Start feeding the soil, especially where I know I will be planting veg.

5.  Scrape out the emerging weeds form between the patio slabs.  The more I do it, the fewer they become!

6.  Sort out the front - little weeds are starting to show and are spoiling the effect of the spring bulbs there.  Not having that.

7.  And I might spend a few happy hours in front of the computer looking at plants, veg, maybe fruit.  I wonder how gooseberries would do in a planter.  Anyone know?

So - a bit each day and by Friday the garden should look much better. just in time for the Easter snow!

Have a great day.  :-)

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