Sunday 27 October 2024

Sunday evening, 27-10-24

Good evening, one and all.
The day started with some glorious autumnal sunshine and finished with the same -  it was a beautiful day.  Not warm, not cold, filled with sunshine.

First of all - I think I've got it.  I changed the last round to dc with three dc in the corner spaces and 'joining as you go' to join the two granny thingies.

I am now happy with the length of the cuff too.
Apologies for the wrinkly hands - I just am a wrinkly now, however much I would like to ignore it!

I've made the first pair and, really, I am still developing the pattern, but I'm happy with the outcome - happy enough to give them as a gift.

Now I am wondering whether it would work to make the central granny square circle and fasten it to the snood/neck warmer/cowl (take your pick) to create a more obvious link than just the colours.  I will just have to give it a go and see.

Beth and Al came round for lunch and it was lovely.  Beth was very nice about the slipover and said I ought to make another one two or three squares longer to act as a dress because it really 'showed off my lovely shape' (quote)
Isn't it nice when your daughter approves of your style choices?

After they went, I just settled for some knitting while I watched the Strictly results.  It has now got to the point where I don't want anyone else to leave but, like anyone else, I have my favourite.  I remember gunning for Bill Bailey on a FB group when everyone else was knocking him and look what happened!!
I doubt the same will happen to Diane and Chris but they are my total favourites, partly because I think Chris is just amazing in all ways and partly because Diane must be such a gifted teacher.
And I love that Chris is ready to take Craig on . . .

Well, that's about it for today.  This time next week, Alex will be here but for now I have quite a free week ahead  - lots of time to get on with my crafting.  |How good is that?
Good night everyone.  I hope your day has been as lovely as mine.  Sleep well.  xx

1 comment:

  1. You have definitely adjusted the pattern perfectly now-I have slim hans and feet and often find patterns for mittens too wide. The colour combo is also perfect. Catriona
