Tuesday 15 October 2024

Tuesday morning, 15-10-24

Morning, everyone.

I think that for the next four days, the blog will be posted in the mornings because the evenings will look like . . .

this . . .
and/or this.

It's different in the evening when there are others around and the mornings are going to be my quiet space time as both Beth and Alex are later risers and I am definitely not.

So . . . back to yesterday morning.

The living room looked a right tip with everything to put in the car scattered around.  I nearly took a photo but I remembered I'd packed the camera so you'll just have to imagine it.

I managed to get to circuits and I'm really glad I did because 
1.  it was N's last week because her job has changed and she can no longer come and
2.  it was really good.  Short, sharp bursts of activity, twenty seconds and move on.  Great because in just twenty seconds you can really go for it without starting to feel it too much.

The weather, sadly, was shocking.  Pouring with rain.  I decided I really did not want to get there early and have to wander in the rain so I left in time to get there by around two which is when we could get into the lodge.

A great drive up.  A few short hold ups because of road repairs but nothing worse, no heavy traffic, even through Bury St Edmunds, and I got there at about ten to two.  And the sun was shining.  Yay!
I joined the queue to get to the check in point and, lo and behold, two behind me in the queue was a car I recognised!  What are the chances of two cars on the same booking, travelling different routes, getting there absolutely together.  So Beth and Alex followed me from car park to lodge; I thought we'd need to go all round the village one way system to get to the lodge but the very helpful check in lady gave me directions to get straight there so I didn't get lost this time (I did last year).

Because of Beth and her tiger (wheelchair), we had an adapted lodge and we're very impressed.  I'm sure it isn't perfect but it works for us.  
I'll do a lodge tour tomorrow when I've taken some photos or, if you're very unlucky, a video, probably as botched as the one I tried to make yesterday.   

We had agreed to pack our swimming stuff ready to grab and go so as soon as we'd unpacked and sorted out the food bags, off we went to the pool.

It was, as always, absolutely lovely!

Apologies for the clunky bits in the photo below.  I edited out some faces that were recognisable and some of the background also disappeared.  For example, the bottom of one of the cabana posts wasn't really broken and the floating barrier was complete, honest!

After swimming, we came back and settled in for a cosy evening.

A really  quick video clip - and it should open, I hope.  Please let me know if it doesn't.  

It moved on to the photos at the top!!  A good evening.

One of the bedrooms is adapted and I had that one for no particular reason really.  One of the single beds was an adapted bed with all mod cons while the one I am using is just a bed.  Very comfortable it is too!  I have slept like a log after a combination of a circuits class, a swim and plenty of steps.  We won't mention the wine, OK?

And now it's a new day.  The skies look rather overcast but the ground is dry so we will just have to see . . .
Have a lovely day, everyone.  xx

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