Wednesday 23 October 2024

Wednesday evening, 23-10-24

Evening, everyone.   We were supposed to have fog this morning but, obviously, it decided to go elsewhere.  So this morning was like the rest of today - another gorgeously sunny autumnal day.

I had to be at the dentist this morning - nothing drastic, just a consultation regarding an implant where the tooth used to me.  I now have a date in the New Year for the procedure to be done so I am pleased about that.

The rest of the day was spent doing housework and crafting plus a trip to Shimmy Studio for personal training.  It was good.

I found this freebie pattern on Love Crafts this morning - I just HAVE to make a few and, once I have mastered the basic pattern, one could embellish it in lots of different ways.  It will make a lovely little extra to pop into friends' gift bags at Christmas.

Time to turn off and chill for bed.  I'm sure I will sleep well tonight and I hope you do too.  Night!  xx

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