Tuesday 22 October 2024

Tuesday evening, 22-10-24

 Evening, everyone.  It had been a simply gorgeous autumn day round here.  Sunny and not exactly warm but not cold either.  Just really pleasant.  Tomorrow, apparently, is going to be quit foggy for a while before the sun break through.  We will see.

I got my act together today, left my holiday zone behind and sorted out downstairs so it is now acceptably clean and tidy again.  It does feel good when it's all done, doesn't it?  Didn't do the ironing though - I shoved that in the ironing basket and it is top of tomorrow's list of Things To Do.  I just wasn't in the ironing zone today.

Chris and I enjoyed our walk down to Groove in the sunshine.  It is the last one of this block; next week is a break and then the new block starts leading up to Christmas.  It was lots of fun as always.

Sharon was a little bit late because of traffic but she sorted out my one beauty so I am all neat and tidy again.  Once she went, that was the end of work time and I settled down with my knitting and crochet (not at the same time, mind you!).

I've sewn all the ends in for my granny square top and not I'm doing a sort of rib effect stitch round the bottom.  I think the same stitch will do for the next and armholes but it might be a case of such it and see.  I don't expect to get it right first time.

I watched Anita's week four video - not the circular ones yet, they must be next week, week five, and the joining and edging has to be week six.  This weeks are simple and, at last, I have 'got' the border and don't have to keep checking the pattern.  Phew.

Barbara asked about free patterns.  I'll start with the very extensive Love Crafts site and here's the link to the start of the free crochet patterns pages - there are 6,302 of them so thank goodness there are choices you can make using the boxes on the left hand side.
If you go back to the Home Page, there is also a link to free knitting patterns (10,823 of them!!!) and, again, you can refine your search.  They all seem to be in the form of downloadable PDFs.

Anyway, here's the lnk to the free crochet patterns.  https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-gb/l/crochet/crochet-patterns/free-crochet-patterns

At the moment my head is buzzing with things I want to make and I am going to have to be very sensible and prioritise.  Don't want to have too many WIPs at the same time.  It's weird how it all clicks on as the days get shorter and the evenings get darker.  I love how it keeps my hand/eye/brain coordination going, keeps me interested and engage and is very productive.

Just to finish, here a link to the part of the Love Crafts site that is entitles '13 free patterns to get you knitting this Christmas'

More tomorrow.  (sorry to all of you not that interested . . .  )

Goodness, it is half past nine.  Almost bedtime.  Sleep well, one and all, and pleasant dreams.  xx

1 comment:

  1. I love free knitting patterns (just wish I could actually crochet) so thanks for the link.

    God bless.
