Thursday 17 October 2024

Thursday morning - The Last Full Day

Sad, isn't it?  

Morning, everyone.  It's a wet old start to Thursday and my internet connection is dire.  It keeps dropping and then coming back.  Most annoying.  One of the very few things Center Parcs does not do well!

Yesterday was great.  It started damp but the sun came out after a while and it was quite mild too.  We had a casual morning - Beth was quite weary so Al and I wandered around the village centre for a while, looking in the shops.  I found a few things for our Girls' Chat Santa which was good, and there's a decoration I want to go back and take a second look at.  No fridge magnets, as far as I could see.  Odd - they used to be drowning in them in past years.

In the afternoon, we had booked the electric boats.

There's all sorts of boats for hire - pedaloes, catamaran canoes, electric boats . . .

We love the electric boats because they just glide silently along and are pretty easy to steer too.  I filmed some video clips on my mobile and when back at the lodge, I found out how to upload them.  Yay, me!!

There's a longer one but I need to ask Beth and Alex for permission first so you might not see that one.  Here's a couple of shorter clips and when I get home I'll find out how to stitch them together.  I did know - I've forgotten!

After that was over, we headed straight to the pool and had a lovely swim.

Come the evening, we went to Huck's for dinner and made absolute pigs of ourselves.  It was delish!
(Photos on my foody blog, link down the side somewhere!!)

Today is the last full day.  We plan to take the morning easy - I will probably pack most of my stuff - and then, after a leftovers mark 1 meal, we're out for a swim and then ten pin bowling.
The evening is chilling back at the lodge with a fire and leftovers mark 2 for dinner, after which we really won't have much left.

And tomorrow it's all over.  Sad.

How has your week gone.  Really well, I hope.  Take care and have a great day.  xx


  1. Electric boats seem so much better than all that rowing or pedalling ... much more civilised. ;-)

  2. Enjoy your final day. I'm sure it feels as though it's passed too quickly.
