Wednesday 16 November 2022


 Morning, everyone.  What a change in the weather!  We had some very heavy rain all morning yesterday although it cleared and we even had a little bit of sunshine later.  Today looks like a mirror image - dry in the morning (no sun predicted though) and rain in the afternoon and through the night.  And it's very much colder than the weekend.  I'm back in my oodie as I type this.

Yesterday started with a lovely exchange of messages with a dear friend I've known since my early Open Uni days and stayed close to ever since.  She's been living in Germany but is back in the UK now and is coming over for a Christmas weekend in December.  As she's an early riser, like me, we sometimes have these early morning 'chats' and it's lovely.

I dodged the raindrops running from car to hall for Groove for a thoroughly enjoyable class.  Lindsey plans in half term blocks and I really like this current block; it's a bit challenging but lots of fun.

After that, it was home, James, for breakfast and into some clearing and sorting and some more crocheting.  I've just realised this Sunday is Stir Up Sunday, so called because the Collect for the day starts with the words:

"Stir-up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people;
that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works,
may of thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

. . . so I need to make a shopping list of things I need by then.
This is the recipe I use, using Cointreau instead of rum and it is delicious.  Not as stodgy as the traditional cake and it steams a lot faster too.  Win win.

I might go the whole hog and make Sunday a baking day, making the veggie sausage rolls too.  As there won't be that many of us this year, I have decided to buy mince pies instead of making them - there's some lovely ones to be had out there.

The festive feeling has arrived early here.  There's a pile of wrapped gifts in a corner of the living room (where the Christmas Tree will stand) which I ought to take upstairs really but they look so nice.

I've started watching the Nigella Christmas programmes on YouTube, interspersed with Hairy Bikers, Nigel Slater, James Martin and the occasional Jamie offering.  Goodness, there's some fussy old recipes out there but now and then there's a gem.  I picked up making biscotti from James Martin and make some every year both for us and as gifts.  I can't remember who started me on stollen but I can't make that until I know if I have enough marzipan left over from icing the cake.

Anyway, enough of that!  Sorry!

Today starts with me getting my kitchen into a tidier state as the lovely Sharon is coming to sort out my hair and we use the kitchen.  I think, also, that I will follow Eileen's excellent example and sort out my under the stairs cupboard.  I know there's an awful lot of rubbish in there and I need the space.  I might also do a couple of cupboards, if there's time.

After Sharon has gone, I will be driving to Lindsey's for my personal training session so I'm looking forward to that too.  

It should be a good day. one way and another.  How about you?  xx


  1. Morning The british are well known for always talking about the weather , but just cant believe this last bout. I went to a class that I.m doing at my local library ( love libraries ) but even though I parked as near as I could to the entrance, I was drenched literally soaked to the skin .and it looks like today is going to be much the same ( i don't know, it's either too hot or too cold for me really shouldn't complain )
    Glad you had a catch up with your friend and lovely you're still in touch -

    Im so glad you reminded me that this Sunday is stir up Sunday , like you Christmas is going to be much smaller ( and very frugal ) this year , Have now found a recipe for Christmas puds that made at school years ago so am going to have fun adapting that this Sunday .

    Enjoy yourself and take care

    1. We do seem to go on about the weather sometimes, don't we? I hope you didn't get too chilled.
      Enjoy making your Christmas pud on Sunday!

  2. Good luck with sorting out your under stairs cupboard. I'm finding it to be therapeutic and rediscovering things you'd forgotten about is always good.

    Our weather forecast is the same as yours today so I will be staying in. I have a few admin things to do and then plan to snuggle up with a new book and just relax.

    Hope you have a good day xx

    1. I suspect most of it is stuff to dump as I haven't used it for - ooooh - must be years!
      Enjoy your snuggle day.

  3. I guess when I stopped teaching full time in 2013...and subbing in 2017, I quit thinking about the weather. I have not watched the news since November 2016...if there is something important, someone will text or email me. that I live in Florida, on the Gulf Coast, where there has been no major hurricane in my town for one hundred is hoping that lasts...I don't get concerned. That Hurricane Ian hit about an hour was close...however, I do not miss the blizzards of Indiana, Ohio, and WV...the tornadoes in Indiana and Ohio...I did love South Carolina weather...I do miss my friends in In, Ohio, and so so much. I love your blog. I love reading about your travels and your good food...and your traditions...enjoy enjoy enjoy

    1. That is so very kind of you, thank you, Brenda. Your weather sounds lovely. xx

  4. Yep, we had a day of torrential rain here yesterday, even the dogs declined a walk ... phew!! I've been watching Jamie, Nigella et al on the Food Network channel and have set up my Freeview box to record them all for me. I did set it up to record River Cottage at Christmas programmes too but seeing Hugh F-W stuffing birds within birds has put me off that particular set of programmes!

    1. He really is rather huntin', fishin', shootin', isn't he. I enjoy watching the River Cottage programmes mostly but sometimes, not so much. xx

  5. Thanks for the Stir up Sunday post - I think it's lovely that you are getting in the Christmas spirit
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Aw, thank you, Alison. I dearly love my Christmas traditions. xx

  6. We had a lovely, if overcast day today. The temperature was just below 0 C so my first adventure outside with my new boots took place (did take a short stroll yesterday). However now snow is falling and that is supposed to continue until the weekend.

    You sound like you had a lovely day.

    God bless.

    1. It's raining here (early morning) and feels cool at 9C although that must sound daft to you with the snow falling.
      Looking forward to reading about your walk and new boots. :-)

  7. How nice that you keep in touch with your friend and can have the early morning chats. Stir up Sunday sounds interesting. I've never heard of it.

    We're under a Winter Storm Warning. Sigh. I'm not quite ready for that yet.

    1. It's quite an old tradition in the UK. I'm planning a post about it for Sunday. :-)
      A winter storm, eh? I do hope it isn't too bad or too prolonged.

  8. Having recently retired from teaching myself I have really enjoyed reading your blog for the first time and enjoyed it. Thank you, I will look forward to reading it each day especially as the body clock is often still programmed for 6am!

    I had quite a relaxing day despite the rain - I decided to start wrapping up some of the Christmas presents that I have already bought. It gave me such satisfaction - no rushing. Over the next few days I shall be putting them in collective bags as I have family coming to stay in 2 weeks time so the guest bedroom will be needed!

    Suze xx

    1. Hi, Suze, lovely to 'meet' you. I'm really glad you've found my blog and enjoy reading it.
      I know exactly what you mean about 'body clock' waking. I've been retired for seven years now and it hasn't gone away yet. :-)
      Wrapping up presents put leisure is lovely, isn't it?
