Thursday 3 November 2022


 Morning, everyone.  The clock says it is around quarter to seven, it's starting to lighten up and I've just dodged the raindrops to get something from the shed.  The forecast summary is 'heavy rain' for this morning.  Oh, well, it is needed still.

I had a Christmas vibe yesterday - info about this year's Jacquie Lawson Advent Calendar came through so, of course, I now have it installed with the link on my desktop.

I took this screen shot of it about ten minutes ago.  It's based on Sussex this year - nice - and, while it properly starts on December 1st, of course, a few features are live.  I went into the house, made some snowflakes which are decorating the window, decorated the Christmas Tree as you can see, turned on the lights which are jolly well going to stay on (!) and played a few games.

Then, because I was feeling the spirit, I went on YouTube and started looking for music for the Advent Calendar I do in here every year.

It felt . . . happy!

I was slow to get started yesterday and then remembered that Nov 2nd was World Ballet Day and I do enjoy watching the live daily class from the Royal Ballet and then some of the rehearsals.
So I didn't get out yesterday but I will today, partly just to look around B&M but also because one of our three Aldis (why on earth do we have three???) is next door to B&M and I do need a few items from there.
From there, I might possibly drive up the road to Hobbycraft too or on to a garden centre that always does nice Christmas displays.  I'll see how I feel when I get there.

First of all, though, I'm over the cul de sac to Chris for our coffee and chat.  I want to hear how her little grandson is getting on.

It should be a pleasant day.

What's the weather like your way today.  I know some of you had some nasty wet stuff yesterday while we had sunshine so maybe you're getting to sun today.  I do hope so.
Have a great day.  xx


  1. I adore watching ballet and we have a lovely little theatre that puts on shows every year. My favourite is Swan Lake. I keep getting a Christmas vibe too and don't know why as I haven't really been near any shops.

    1. My favourite is the MacMillan Romeo and Juliet. Beautiful.

      That Christmas feel is rather nice, wherever it comes from, I think. xx

  2. Christmas is definintely sneaking in, quietly and stealthily at the moment but soon it will be everywhere, not that I'm objecting we need some festivities and happy times to see this year out with.

    I must download my Jaquie Lawson Advent calendar again, it's something fun to do each day in December and I really want to avoid buying another proper Advent calendar this year. I am still wearing the socks and using the toiletries from last years!!

    1. Everything is starting to look very bright and colourful and that's so nice, as you say, given the difficult times.
      Socks I can understand lasting but I'd have worked through the smellies by now. :-)

  3. I did the Jacquie Lawson advent calendar for the first time last year and it is so wonderful! I need to go ahead and start this one. So much joy for such a nice price. I don't know which part I liked most - the music, the ornaments, the lights and everything. Just everything. She truly gets the way I feel about Christmas. My daughter and I watch Watched Walker on YouTube, it's someone who walks around London and nearby areas and films, no talking or anything. When they walk along the Thames I am telling her oh I saw that on my advent calendar! Anyway. So much fun.

    1. It's a lovely thing, isn't it? It has become a big part of my pre-Christmas warm up. As you say, fun!

  4. Thanks for the reminder, I'll sort out my JL Advent calendar later. I'm glad you're planning on doing your Christmas music Advent calendar again this year ... that's always such a lovely way to start the day. xx

    1. Aw, thank you. I do enjoy sharing some of my favourite music. I know it's a bit samey year on year but once a year isn't too boring really! :-)

  5. I really should see if I can get an Advent Calendar or two this year, I always seem to forget to do so. Love the one you have on the computer.

    God bless.

    1. It's lovely, Jackie, really lovely. xx

  6. Hi Joy, That's a gorgeous advent calendar. My mom used to buy us ones from Trader Joe's. They had chocolate in them. We loved them! We had a sprinkling of snow last night. It has been cold! I love it, though. It's snug and cozy by the fire, with the flames dancing...

    1. It is gorgeous and, being IT based, it is interactive too. Each day you click on a bauble for a little story, a game or something similar.
      Snow - oh, how beautiful. Stay warm though. xx

  7. That is such a pretty calendar. I will need to get one sorted very soon. Xx

  8. I hope you had a lovely day. I have a chocolate Advent Calendar lol.
